如何在john doe中允许用户名中的空格,而无需更改django.auth模型中的字段。 p>
How can I allow spaces in the username like "john doe" without changing the fields in django.auth models.
How do I make the emailfield required. currently the clean_email method in my UserCreation Form raises an validation error if email is empty. There must be a better way.
$ b
class RegisterForm(UserCreationForm):
username = forms.RegexField(label =(Username),max_length = 30,regex = r '^ [\t\r\\\
\f\w. @ + * - ] + $',
help_text =(必填,30个字符或更少字母,数字和@ /。 / / / / / / / _个字符。))
error_messages = {'invalid':(此值可能只包含字母,数字和@ /。/ + / - / _字符。 $ b class Meta:
model = User
我复制了UserCreationForm中的字段。重要的部分是向正则表达式添加\t/\\\\\f。 \s无法工作。
您可以随时从contrib.auth.forms中覆盖UserCreationForm,以实现用户名不同的字段并提供您自己的验证。只需继承表单并添加您自己的用户名字段,或者在该类的 __ init __
I'm currently implementing a user registration for an app. I'm tying to change the django.auth default behaviour to use email instead of username. I think i'll use a custom auth backend. I want the users still be able to provide an username.
Thanks to Brandon and Andrew Sledge here is my solution:
class RegisterForm(UserCreationForm):
username = forms.RegexField(label=("Username"), max_length=30, regex=r'^[ \t\r\n\f\w.@+*-]+$',
help_text = ("Required. 30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."),
error_messages = {'invalid': ("This value may contain only letters, numbers and @/./+/-/_ characters.")})
class Meta:
model = User
i copied the field from UserCreationForm. The important part is to add \t\r\n\f to the regex. \s wont work.
You can always override the UserCreationForm from contrib.auth.forms to implement a different field for username and provide your own validation. Just inherit the form and add your own username field, or override it in the __init__
of the class.