


When I realize ConstraintLayout has:

  • 更好的布局拖放

  • better layout drag-drop


better view relative set-up with better naming "top-toBottomOf"


better layout construction with ratios and percentage-guidelines


and much more cant state here or I just didn't know


that I was always wanted to using it constantly because it is so comfortable.  

就像标题一样,我很好奇 ConstraintLayout在经常使用时会带来很大的性能影响吗?

Just like the title, I curious about did ConstraintLayout will give big performance impact when using it constantly?


Statement your opinion and evidence will be appreciated.




It Depends upon your usage.A ConstraintLayout is like the RelativeLayouton Steroids.

如果您想要一个简单的2-3 ChildViews布局,那么使用ConstraintLayout不会那么有效.进入线性布局.

" ConstraintLayout 的主要目的是解决 RelativeLayout 的问题,而且效果很好. RelativeLayout .您可以前所未有地简化布局.此外,它还解决了RelativeLayout的长期性能问题.在 measure/layout阶段这样一来,我们就能在一个不错的程序包中获得更好的性能,更多的功能和更简单的布局."

"The main purpose of the ConstraintLayout is to fix problems with the RelativeLayout, and it does it so well. You can do so many things that were impossible with a RelativeLayout. And you can simplify your layout like you never could before. Additionally, it fixes long-standing performance issues of the RelativeLayout. The double taxation during the measure/layout phase. So we get better performance, more versatility and much simpler layouts in one nice package."


Since performance improvements are among the main reasons to create this new layout, I did some performance tests to check if this goal is met.


I compared a layout used within a RecyclerView. Nothing too fancy, just some nested LinearLayout and RelativeLayout containers. I moved this layout manually over to ConstraintLayout and did some rather sloppy performance tests.

在使用新的ConstraintLayout时,在模拟器和Nexus 5上进行比较会导致整体性能下降.

Comparing those two on an emulator as well as on a Nexus 5 yielded overall a performance penalty when using the new ConstraintLayout.

最糟糕的是测量. onMeasure()方法花费的时间大约是我用于比较的LinearLayout方法的十倍.并且它花费了大部分时间,大约是onLayout()的60倍.因此,与所讨论的LinearLayout之一相比,ConstraintLayout的onLayout()方法的命中率几乎没有关系.最后,使用ConstraintLayout比使用LinearLayout,布局膨胀还花费了更长的时间.

Performing worst is the measurement. The onMeasure() method takes roughly ten times as long as the one of the LinearLayout I used for comparison. And it uses up the bulk of the time with taking about 60 times as long as onLayout(). Thus the 30 percent hit of the onLayout() method of ConstraintLayout compared to the one of the LinearLayout in question is nearly irrelevant. Finally, layout inflation also took longer with ConstraintLayout than with LinearLayout.


The ConstraintLayout does lots of calculations to find out where and how to display each of its children. Internally (at least) three rather lengthy classes are working together to get the results: LinearSystem, ConstraintWidget, and ConstraintWidgetContainer. To fully understand the performance behavior I would have to dig into the depth of these classes (and for this, I prefer the commented classes when their sources are released by Google). But just by having a cursory look at the decompiled code it looks like those classes have to do a lot.



Not all is working perfectly at the moment, though. Right now these things bother me the most:

  • 蓝图变更和设计预览之间存在明显的滞后变化
  • 预览并不总是正确的
  • 蓝图视图不注意文本布局约束
  • 约束并不总是能按预期工作
  • 撤消工作非常不可靠
  • There’s a noticeable lag between blueprint changes and design previewchanges
  • The preview is not always correct
  • The blueprint view doesn’t heed text layout constraints
  • Constraints do not always work as expected
  • Undo works very unreliably


The editor updos stuff or changes stuff in unexpected ways


This post supports ConstraintLayout.


Personally, I only use ConstraintLayout, when I want to Align more than 3 views. It's easy to use but at the same time, annoying in the beginning.



07-23 06:54