I would like to customize a donut chart from c3.js so it that has 2 layers.
This is the code for the very basic out of box c3.js based donut chart.
var chart = c3.generate({
data: {
columns: [
['bulls', 30],
['lakers', 50],
type : 'donut'
This is an image of something similar to what i want to achieve:
I did find this fiddle but I am not sure on how to implement it in c3.js.Here is a link to my fiddle.
D3小提琴实际上是创建三个图表,每个图表具有不同的半径。每个数据集使用d3.pie来创建每个数据将驻留的弧,然后在半径不同的路径上绘制图形,并根据绘制的数据集(i = 1)增加。 ..4)
The D3 fiddle is actually creating three charts, each with a different radius. Each dataset uses "d3.pie" to create the arc that each piece of data will inhabit, and then the graph is being drawn across a path with a radius that is different and increases based on which dataset is being plotted (i=1...4)
Put another way: The D3 fiddle is drawing multiple separate graphs on the same center point so it just looks like they're related.
我没有直接使用C3.js,但你可以通过使用相同的中心点创建两个图表来完成类似的事情,每个嵌套图表具有不同的半径和宽度。 (基本上将一个放在另一个内)原点坐标应该是相同的,只要百分比匹配,它们最终应该看起来像截图图像。
I haven't worked directly with C3.js, but you could accomplish something similar to this by creating two charts using the same center point with different radii and widths for each nested chart. (Basically putting one inside the other) The origin coordinate should be the same so as long as the percentages match up they should end up looking like your screenshot image.
Unsure if there is a method to set the center coordinate but you should be able to absolutely position your DIVs on the same spot on the page that can work.
That said, I might recommend moving away from C3.js and instead using the existing D3 fiddle and library and then draw labels / add interactivity as needed as it seems to be a bit more simple and will allow for better customization opportunities for your use case in the future. You may also want to consider using a library like NVD3.js which provides access to the core d3 methods alongside their charts so you can crib code from both example donuts and the D3 Fiddle.