In SQL, you execute:
DECLARE @i int=1024*1024*1024
SET @i = @i + @i
you get:
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
SET @i = @i-1 + @i
可以正常工作,@ i变为2147483647.如果在原始文件中的"int ="之后插入减号(-),则可以正常工作,并且@ i = -2147483648.请注意,我没有为此抱怨,我知道溢出消息是30多年前的您的朋友. 30年前,当我学习FORTRAN时,它做到了.我以为我使用的每种编程语言都可以做到这一点.由于我确定没有编写类似的错误,因此我以为自己受到算术溢出错误的保护.
SET @i = @i - 1 + @i
works just fine, @i becomes 2147483647. If you insert a minus (-) just after "int=" in the original, it works fine, and @i=-2147483648. I''m not complaining about that, mind you, I learned the overflow message was your friend over 30 years ago. When I learned FORTRAN 30+ years ago, it did that. I thought every programming language I used would do that. Since I made sure I didn''t code an error like that, I just thought I was protected by the arithmetic overflow error.
Enter a C# application I wrote, where I wanted to test it''s limits. I got it to blow up with a Stack overflow trace error. I was running in debug mode, so I reviewed the numbers. What the??? One of the int counters I was using was close to minus 2 billion. I''m only adding positive numbers, how can that happen??? I find out the compiled version doesn''t blow up with a Stack Overflow and the int counter is a bit lower still. I start upping the anti, increasing the load and each time, it works, the counter gets a smaller and smaller negative number. Just before it blows the counter gets down to around -40K records. Changing the counter from int to uint the counter is just shy of the 4G maximum value by about 40K records.
I think that''s a bug. Did I find a bug in C#?
By the way, later I doubled values starting from 1 and 1073741824 multiplied by 2 is -2147483648. Maybe I should have doubled that to see if I got 0?
PS I put in a try/catch block and the stack overflow won''t catch. That makes sense to me (It is disappointing) and I don''t think that is a bug.
One of the int counters I was using was close to minus 2 billion. I''m only adding positive numbers, how can that happen???
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement .
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_number_representations 以及本文中的Web链接.
OK, this one is enough. Sorry for your 30 years of experience: perhaps you learned some FORTRAN (I used it, too, in the very beginning, before I realized it does not worth the effort), but you did not get to understanding some of very basic fundamentals of computing. Of course, adding to the integer number must end up having a negative number.
What you are talking about have nothing to do with stack overflow. If you want to know how stack and stack overflow works, it should be a separate question. This is integer overflow.
Of course you did not find a bug in C#, but you did find one in your understanding. Not a big deal: just fix it. You will find complete and comprehensive explanation here:
The thing is: you are using a system where signed integers are interpreted using two''s complement representation. This representation is very practical: it allows for CPU to perform arithmetic operations using no information about a type of integer number, signed or unsigned or operands of different types. Also, it exclude the presence of -0 and +0 as different objects.
For more background on the topic, please see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_number_representations as well as Web links found in this article.
To get calculation sensitive to integer overflow do them under checked
checked {
int myInt = 1 << 30; //positive 2^30, 2^31 is already negative as 1 << 31 is a sign bit
//attempt to get 1 << 32 == 0x80000000 will overflow to -2147483648
myInt = myInt * 2; //but exception will be thrown here only under "checked"
Maximum 32-bit int
is (int)0x7fffffff
, isn''t that obvious?
Good luck,