我有一个用于OAuth 1.0身份验证的Java代码,每次我必须在测试每个请求之前执行它.我目前正在开发JSR223采样器.
I have a Java code for OAuth 1.0 Authentication and each time i have to execute it before testing each request. I am currently working on JSR223 sampler.
但是碰巧看到这个OAuth 1.0插件,有人可以解释一下屏幕快照中基于OAuth 1.0的身份验证的工作原理.
But happen to see this OAuth 1.0 Plugin, can someone explain me how this OAuth 1.0 based Authentication in the screenshot works.
I have some parameter value to be passed in the Authorization header output example given below for each request.
For the first URL, I have two parameter
- 键
- 秘密密钥
Which give the Access token and secret access token for the Second URL and for the third it will add
- 请求有效载荷
- 电子邮件
- 状态
without these the request will fail.
My output code looks like the below in Eclipse:-
授权:OAuth oauth_signature =动态值",scope =参数值",oauth_version =动态值",oauth_nonce =动态值",oauth_signature_method = HMAC-SHA1,oauth_consumer_key =参数值",oauth_token =动态值",oauth_timestamp =动态值"
Authorization :OAuth oauth_signature="Dynamic Value",scope="Parameter Value",oauth_version="Dynamic Value",oauth_nonce="Dynamic Value",oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1,oauth_consumer_key="Parameter Value",oauth_token="Dynamic Value",oauth_timestamp="Dynamic Value"
Is there a way that i run the piece of Java code directly with all the Jar files in Jmeter [without doing any changes] is that possible?
I would suggest adding OAuth client libraries to JMeter's classpath (just drop them to /lib folder of your JMeter installation)
还要下载 groovy-all.jar 的最新版本.并将其放在相同的/lib文件夹中.重新启动JMeter来拾取罐子.
Also download the latest version of groovy-all.jar and put it to the same /lib folder. Restart JMeter to pick the jars up.
然后将 JSR223采样器添加到您的测试计划中,选择常规"在语言"下拉菜单中,然后将Java代码放入脚本"区域.在99%的情况下,有效的Java代码将是有效的Groovy代码,因此您可以通过这种方式运行它.
Then add JSR223 Sampler to your Test Plan, choose "groovy" in "Language" drop-down and put your Java code to "Script" area. Valid Java code in 99% of cases will be valid Groovy code so you can run it this way.
See How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter guide for more detailed information on the domain.
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