你好我有我的应用程序运行grails 2.4.3资源插件1.2.8。我们正计划转向资产管道。我们是否可以让两个插件一起工作,因为我们会部分更新代码。有没有人有任何经验。
Hi I have my application running on grails 2.4.3 with resources plugin 1.2.8. We are planing to move to asset pipeline. Can we have both plugin working together as we will update code partially. Does anyone have any experience.
asset-pipeline does its work when building the war file, but resources works at runtime after deployment. So there wouldn't be anything for resources to do.
他们还使用不同的文件夹(> grails-app / assets
, web-app
They also use different folders (asset-pipeline under grails-app/assets
, resources under web-app
) so by default they wouldn't even have access to the same files, right?
在您完成所有工作之后,您应该写下您的经验 - 我认为这对其他开发人员非常有帮助。我相信资产管道开发人员会对文档贡献表示赞赏,并提供关于要查找的内容和潜在问题的说明,或者如果您为此付出了全面教程。或者发给他们一个链接到你的博客文章:)
You should write up your experience after you get everything working - I think this would be very helpful for other developers. I'm sure the asset-pipeline developers would appreciate a docs contribution with notes on what to look for and potential gotchas, or a full tutorial if you're up for that. Or send them a link to your blog post :)