I am trying to log the contents of an object to a text file. I can get the property-value pairs I want to log by executing this line in the immediate window:
AnsiNullDefault: False
UserData: Nothing
不幸的是,我不能简单地记录 mDb.DatabaseOptions.ToString
Unfortunately, I can't simply log mDb.DatabaseOptions.ToString
because that does not return any of the property-value pairs.
返回 33 个属性值对,但以下代码返回 95 个属性值对.
I tried to roll my own code using reflection. It works, but it returns way more information than I need. The debug.print
returns 33 property-value pairs, but the following code returns 95 property-value pairs.
For i As Integer = 0 To mDb.DatabaseOptions.Properties.Count - 1
WriteLine(mDb.DatabaseOptions.Properties(i).Name & ": " & _
您没有使用反射,只是使用了对象的属性属性".我相信这与 Debug.Print 的作用更接近:
You are not using reflection, just the property "Properties" of your object. This aligns more closely to what Debug.Print does, I believe:
Public Sub WriteAsDebug(ByVal obj As Object)
For Each prop In obj.GetType.GetProperties()
WriteLine("{0}: {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(obj, Nothing).ToString)
End Sub
此方法获取(通过反射)对象类型中定义的所有公共属性,并在特定对象实例中写入属性名称和值(To String).免责声明,我很确定此方法在尝试访问索引属性(带参数的属性)时会失败.
This method gets (by reflection) all the public properties defined in the object's type and writes the name of the property and the value (To String) in the specific object instance. A disclaimer, I am pretty sure this method fails awfully when trying to access indexed properties (propeties with parameters).
我不确定 Debug.Print 是否也只报告公共成员,如果需要更多成员,请检查 GetProperties 方法.您还可以获取有关 PropertyInfo 类型的更多信息方法返回.
I am not sure that Debug.Print also reports only public members, if more members are needed check the BindingFlags options for the GetProperties method. You can also get more info on the PropertyInfo type that the method returns.
但是,您正在使用的 Properties 属性可能会提供不包含在类属性中的数据(这是 Debug.Print 提供的).
However, the Properties property you are using may give data not included in the properties of the class (which is what Debug.Print gives).