


I am trying to profile my Node app with "--prof" option but I see that instead of one single v8.log file there are multiple files created with prefix like isolate-0x9582b40-v8.log, isolate-0xa1cab78-v8-6049.log, isolate-0xa7ffb40-v8.log, isolate-0xb5900468-v8.log, isolate-0xb6200468-v8-6049.log .


I am having difficulty processing this files with Linux-tick-processor as I don't know which file to use for processing.

我在Vm VirtualBox上使用以下配置Ubuntu 12.4 Lts运行.节点版本0.12.0

I am running with following config Ubuntu 12.4 Lts on Vm VirtualBox. Node version 0.12.0

uname -a的输出

Output of uname -a

Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-44-generic#66〜precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 04:04:23 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-44-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 04:04:23 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux





I'm late to the party on this one, but if you invoke the profiler like this:

node --prof --no-logfile-per-isolate example.js

您将获得一个名为 v8.log 的文件.然后,您可以执行以下操作:

You will get a single file called v8.log. Then you can do stuff like this:

node --prof --no-logfile-per-isolate example.js && node --prof-process v8.log > example.v8log.txt

注意:这将产生一个输出文件,因此,如果每个隔离需要一个文件,则可以使用-logfile 选项:

Note: this will result in a single output file, so if you need a file per isolate, you can use the --logfile option:

node --prof --logfile=foo.log example.js

这仍将十六进制隔离标识符放在文件名中,但附加您使用-logfile 选项提供的值,从而导致文件如下所示: isolate-0x103801e00-foo.log isolate-0x104000000-foo.log 等.

This will still put the hexadecimal isolate identifier in the file name, but append the value you provided with the --logfile option, resulting in file that look like this: isolate-0x103801e00-foo.log, isolate-0x104000000-foo.log and so on.

如果您不喜欢 v8.log 文件名,请组合-logfile -no-logfile-per-isolate 选项:

If you don't like the v8.log file name, combine the --logfile and --no-logfile-per-isolate options:

node --prof --logfile=foo.log --no-logfile-per-isolate example.js

这将导致一个名为 foo.log 的文件.

This will result in a single file called foo.log.




11-03 06:58