

因此,很明显,log(n)是O(n).但是(log(n))^ 2呢? sqrt(n)或log(n)怎么办?什么限制了?

So, clearly, log(n) is O(n). But, what about (log(n))^2? What about sqrt(n) or log(n)--what bounds what?

n ^ a与(log(n))^ b

There's a family of comparisons like this:
n^a versus (log(n))^b


I run into these comparisons a lot, and I've never come up with a good way to solve them. Hints for tactics for solving the general case?


我不是在说计算这些函数的值的计算复杂性.我说的是功能本身.例如,f(n)= n是g(n)= log(n)的上限,因为对于c = 1和n0> 0,f(n)

I'm not talking about the computational complexity of calculating the values of these functions. I'm talking about the functions themselves. E.g., f(n)=n is an upper bound on g(n)=log(n) because f(n)<=c*g(n) for c=1 and n0 > 0.


log(n)^ a始终为O(n ^ b).

log(n)^a is always O(n^b), for any positive constants a, b.


Are you looking for a proof? All such problems can be reduced to seeing that log(n) is O(n), by the following trick:

log(n)^ a = O(n ^ b)等效于:log(n)= O(n ^ {b/a}),因为提高到1/a幂是一个递增函数.这相当于通过设置m = n ^ {b/a},log(m ^ {a/b})= O(m).等效于log(m)= O(m),因为log(m ^ {a/b})=(a/b)* log(m).

log(n)^a = O(n^b) is equivalent to:log(n) = O(n^{b/a}), since raising to the 1/a power is an increasing function.This is equivalent to log(m^{a/b}) = O(m), by setting m = n^{b/a}.This is equivalent to log(m) = O(m), since log(m^{a/b}) = (a/b)*log(m).

您可以通过归纳证明log(n)= O(n),着眼于n是2的幂的情况.

You can prove that log(n) = O(n) by induction, focusing on the case where n is a power of 2.


10-12 20:01