


Several places say the default # of reducers in a Hadoop job is 1. You can use the mapred.reduce.tasks symbol to manually set the number of reducers.

当我运行Hive作业(在Amazon EMR上,AMI 2.3.3)时,它的一些减速器数量大于1。看看作业设置,有些东西已经设置了mapred.reduce.tasks,我认为Hive。它是如何选择这个数字的?

When I run a Hive job (on Amazon EMR, AMI 2.3.3), it has some number of reducers greater than one. Looking at job settings, something has set mapred.reduce.tasks, I presume Hive. How does it choose that number?


Note: here are some messages while running a Hive job that should be a clue:

Number of reduce tasks not specified. Estimated from input data size: 500
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
  set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
  set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
  set mapred.reduce.tasks=<number>


默认值为1也许是为了安装vanilla Hadoop。 Hive重写它。

The default of 1 maybe for a vanilla Hadoop install. Hive overrides it.


In open source hive (and EMR likely)

# reducers = (# bytes of input to mappers)
             / (hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer)

此帖子 a>表示默认的hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer是1G。

This post says default hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer is 1G.

您可以使用 hive.exec.reducers.max 。

如果你确切知道你想要的reducer的数量,你可以设置 mapred.reduce.tasks ,这个将覆盖所有启发式。 (默认情况下,它设置为-1,表示Hive应该使用它的启发式方法。)

If you know exactly the number of reducers you want, you can set mapred.reduce.tasks, and this will override all heuristics. (By default this is set to -1, indicating Hive should use its heuristics.)

在某些情况下 - 比如'从T'选择count(1) - Hive会无论输入数据的大小如何,将减速器的数量设置为1。这些被称为'完整聚合' - 如果查询所做的唯一事情是完全聚合 - 那么编译器知道来自映射器的数据将被减少到微不足道的数量,并且运行多个还原器没有意义。

In some cases - say 'select count(1) from T' - Hive will set the number of reducers to 1 , irrespective of the size of input data. These are called 'full aggregates' - and if the only thing that the query does is full aggregates - then the compiler knows that the data from the mappers is going to be reduced to trivial amount and there's no point running multiple reducers.

