本文介绍了PE文件的解析C / C ++的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要做的在C / C程序中++巫婆一个我需要采取PE文件的每一sction,哈希他们和他们签名,我还做了哈希和签名的功能,但是:
我不知道如何获得PE文件的每个部分作为一个char *或字节*
我不知道如何,如果我可以用一个简单的fstream和搜索至A N字节,

I need to do a program in C/C++ in witch one i'll need to take each sction of a PE File, hash them and sign them, I made yet the hashing and signing functions but:I don't know how to get each section of a PE File as a char* or byte*,I don't know how to if i can use a simple fstream and search to a n byte,and after that how to add a new section .sig to the PE File with my signature table.Thanks for help



从$ C $的CProject样品code:的

Sample code from CodeProject: Parse a PE

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09-10 21:25