任何人都有解析RealLegal PTX文件格式的经验吗?我有兴趣为此专有格式创建Mac阅读器客户端.
Anyone have experience parsing the RealLegal PTX file format? I'm interested in creating a Mac reader client for this proprietary format.
The PTX file format is in wide use for storing court and deposition transcripts.
鉴于它是专有的,您可能不太可能找到它的任何公开说明.但是,考虑到他们似乎没有Mac的存在,也许与RealLegal建立业务关系值得吗?听起来像是一个很棒的建议,以帮助他们扩展* .ptx市场份额(对他们而言很有益),并帮助您构建一个可能有一定需求(对您而言)的软件产品.
Given that it's proprietary you're probably unlikely to find any public specification of it. However, given also that they don't appear to have a Mac presence, perhaps it might be worth it to enter into a business relationship with RealLegal? Sounds like a great proposal to help them expand the *.ptx market share (good for them) and for you to build a software product that presumably has some demand (good for you).