


Android Docs say:

的RecyclerView插件是一种更先进的和柔性版  列表显示。这个小部件是一个容器,用于显示大型数据集  可以非常有效地通过保持有限数量的滚动  的意见。使用RecyclerView小工具,当你有数据收集  其元素改变在运行时根据用户操作或网络  事件

实际上的ListView 能做到以上所有,如果效率没关系,我们已经发现了许多问题,当我们使用 RecyclerView 来代替的ListView

Actually ListView can do all of the above if efficiency doesn't matter, and we have found many issues when we use RecyclerView to replace ListView:

  1. 没有onItemClickListener()的列表项选择 - solution

列表项之间没有分隔 - solution

No divider between list items - solution

没有内置重叠选择,还有就是当你点击列表项没有视觉反馈 - 解决方案

No built-in overlap selector, there is no visual feedback when you click list item - solution

没有 addHeaderView 作为列表标题 - solution

No addHeaderView for list header - solution


Maybe more issues ...

因此​​,当我们使用 RecyclerView 来代替的ListView ,我们必须做很多额外的编码,以达到同样的效果为的ListView

So when we use RecyclerView to replace ListView, we have to do much extra coding to reach the same effect as ListView.


  • 是否值得我们替换的ListView RecyclerView 完全?
  • 如果没有,那么在这种情况下,我们应该更好地利用 RecyclerView ,而不是的ListView ,反之亦然?


Thanks for your attention and any idea!



If ListView works for you, there is no reason to migrate.If you are writing a new UI, you might be better off with RecyclerView.


RecyclerView is powerful when you need to customize your list or you want better animations. Those convenience methods in ListView caused a lot of trouble to people which is why RecyclerView provides a more flexible solution to them.

您需要迁移的主要变化是在您的适配器。如果你想保持呼叫 notifyDataSetChanged ,你失去了大部分的动画和放大器;绑定的好处。但是,如果你可以改变你的适配器分派具体通知事件(添加/删除/移动/更新),那么你会得到更好的动画效果和性能。这些事件让RecyclerView选择正确的动画,同时也帮助它避免不必要的 onBind 调用。你会得到一个巨大的好处,如果你的产品的看法是复杂的。此外,展望未来,将有大约RecyclerView多个组件。

The major change you need to make for migration is in your adapter. If you want to keep calling notifyDataSetChanged, you lose most of the animation & binding benefits. But if you can change your adapter to dispatch detailed notify events (added/removed/moved/updated), then you get much better animations and performance. These events let RecyclerView choose correct animations and it also helps it avoid unnecessary onBind calls. You'll get a huge benefit if your item views are complex. Also, going forward, there will be more components around RecyclerView.


07-17 14:30