

主题pretty多总结起来。我们已经建立在了Video.js之上的自定义播放器,着有章菜单,允许用户跳转到使用的Video.js API,视频的特定部分又名:

The subject pretty much sums it up. We have a custom player built on top of Video.js, with a "chapters" menu that allows users to jump to particular parts of a video using the Video.js api, aka:


这适用于大多数设备大(与一个只有约1/2秒或更少的差异),除了在Android(在银河S5专门测试),它往往导致视频跳跃5 - - 10秒钟前成视频比指定也就是说,如果我这样做video.currentTime(30)视频开始在24秒播放。

This works great on most devices (with a discrepancy of just about 1/2 a second or less), except on Android (specifically testing on a Galaxy S5) it tends to result in the video jumping 5 - 10 seconds earlier into the video than specified i.e. if I do video.currentTime(30) the video starts playing at 24 seconds.



不幸的是大多数Android设备上的视频跳转到下一个或previous关键帧。尝试使用的ffmpeg 使用视频转换 -force_key_frames 选项。

Unfortunately on most Android devices the video jumps to the next or previous keyframe. Try to convert the video with ffmpeg using -force_key_frames option.


10-24 03:01