如何通过以下简单的CSS在跨浏览器中解决高度和边距问题.在Internet Explorer和Firefox中,按照屏幕大小指定div元素的高度要大一些,然后再指定其他div元素的页眉或其他元素的页脚之间的边距是不均匀的. **或任何我理解问题并找到解决方案的网站参考表**.在此先感谢
how i can solve the height and margin issue in cross- browser in following simple css. in internet explorer and Firefox the height of div elements are greater then specified as per screen size also margin between header to other div elements or footer to other element is uneven . **or any website reference form where i understand issue and find solution ** . thanks in advance
What I have tried:
@media screen and (max-width: 480px)
html ,body
width : 100% ;
height :100% ;
font-size : 1rem ;
.header ,.footer
display : table-row;
background : white ;
height : 10% ;
width : 100% ;
overflow : auto ;
display : table-row;
background : red ;
height : 26.66666666666667%;
width : 100% ;
overflow : auto;
display : table-row;
background :blue ;
height : 26.66666666666667%;
width : 100% ;
overflow :auto ;
display : table-row;
background : gray ;
height : 26.66666666666667%;
width : 100% ;
overflow : auto ;