如果我有直接挂接到PC(与打印机亭),我将如何去创造的能力网页(.NET Web应用程序)的打印机打印JPG格式的报亭打印机没有用户干预比点击页面?
If I have a printer hooked directly to a pc (a kiosk with a printer), how would I go about creating the ability for a web page (.net web app) to print a jpg to the kiosks printer with no user intervention other than clicking a button on the page?
if you created an application that hosted the web browser control (rather than using a web browser directly) you could control the printing process much more directly.
(使用Windows + IE可以假设)
(assuming using Windows + IE is possible)
here are some example articles that might help:
and the ever changing MSDN docs for the WebBrowser class, which has the Print method.
从打印方法备注:你可以用这个方法来实现一个类似于Internet Explorer中的打印按钮,此方法将打印,而无需用户再输入当前文档
From the print method remarks: "You can use this method to implement a Print button similar to the one in Internet Explorer. This method prints the current document without requiring further user input."