我有一个大表,当前由95x120 = 11400 TD组成,并且希望动态地编辑属性,例如来自特定行或
< tr>
< td class =row1 col1>资料< / td>
< td class =row2 col2> data< / td>
< td class =row3 col3> data< / td>
< / tr>
< tr>
< td class =row1 col1>资料< / td>
< td class =row2 col2> data< / td>
< td class =row3 col3> data< / td>
< / tr>
< tr>
< td class =row1 col1>资料< / td>
< td class =row2 col2> data< / td>
< td class =row3 col3> data< / td>
< / tr>
< / table>
var numRows = 3,numCols = 3;
document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild(document.createElement('style'));
var sheet = document.styleSheets [1];
// var sheet = document.styleSheets [0];
var选择器,规则,我,rowStyles = [],colStyles = [];
(i = 0; i selector =。row+ i;
rule ={height:20px};
sheet.insertRule(selector + rule,0); //这将规则放在索引0
sheet.addRule(selector2,rule2 ,0); // IE做不同的事情
rowStyles [i] =(sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules)[0] .style; //记住你必须从表单中获取规则数组,不保留旧规则数组,因为在每次插入期间都会创建一个新数组。噢,IE再次做不同的事情; (i = 0; i< numCols; i ++){
selector =。col+ i; cssRules)而不是规则
rule ={background-color:white};
sheet.insertRule(selector + rule,0);
colStyles [i] =(sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules)[0] .style;
//这行改变了第二行的高度,只需修改它们的css-rule ,不在每个元素上设置样式高度
rowStyles [1] .height =50px;
//调整从css-file添加的规则的属性也非常简单,只需遍历规则/ cssRules数组,检查每个对象的selectorText属性,直到找到正确的对象。
<!DOCTYPE html>
< html lang =en>
< head>
< meta charset =utf-8/>
< title>< / title>
< style>
td {
< / style>
< script src =http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.jscharset =UTF-8>< / script>
< / head>
< body>
< table id =table>
< tr id =row>
< / tr>
< / table>
< script type =text / javascript>
var tr = document.getElementById(row);
for(var i = 0; i var cell = tr.insertCell(0);
cell.className =cell;
var sheet = document.styleSheets [0];
var c2 =(sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules)[0] .style;
var table = document.getElementById(table);
var startTime;
startTime = new Date()。getTime();
var c1 = $(。cell);
for(var i = 0; i c1.height(i);
var time1 = new Date()。getTime() - startTime;
startTime = new Date()。getTime();
c1 = $(。cell);
for(var i = 0; i c1.css(height,i);
time2 = new Date()。getTime() - startTime;
startTime = new Date()。getTime();
c1 = $(。cell);
for(var i = 0; i c1.css(height,i);
time3 = new Date()。getTime() - startTime;
startTime = new Date()。getTime();
for(var i = 0; i c2.height = i +px;
var time4 = new Date()。getTime() - startTime;
alert(First:+ time1 +ms\\\
Second:+ time2 +ms\\\
Third:+ time3 +ms\\\
Forth:+ time4 +ms);
< / script>
< / body>
< / html>
- Chrome - 1276 ms
- Opera - 3183 ms
- IE 9 - 2174 ms
- Firefox - 3685 ms
- Safari - 2240 ms
- Safari - 2240 ms
- Chrome - 1259 ms
- Opera - 3079 ms
- IE 9 - 2221 ms
- Firefox - 2872 ms
- Safari - 2250 ms
循环4:这一个动态修改css规则: b
$ b
I have a large table currently consisting of 95x120=11400 TD's and would like to dynamically edit properties such as height and background-color for all the cells from a certain row or column, or even a bunch of rows/columns. I want to do this in order to make the user able to resize rows/columns among other things.What would be a good way of getting that done?
All the TD's in my table does by the way have unique class for row/col eg row1, row2, row3, col1, col2, col3 added dynamically while the table is built up though Javascript.
This can be done really efficiently by modifying css-rules dynamically. It also makes a lot more sense storing common properties i.e. height for a row of cells in a rule rather than storing it all in each element. And it takes up less memory as well.
With a table-layout like the following:
<td class="row1 col1">data</td>
<td class="row2 col2">data</td>
<td class="row3 col3">data</td>
<td class="row1 col1">data</td>
<td class="row2 col2">data</td>
<td class="row3 col3">data</td>
<td class="row1 col1">data</td>
<td class="row2 col2">data</td>
<td class="row3 col3">data</td>
We can do something like this:
var numRows=3, numCols=3;
var sheet=document.styleSheets[1];
//Or instead of creating a new sheet we could just get the first exisiting one like this:
//var sheet=document.styleSheets[0];
var selector, rule, i, rowStyles=[], colStyles=[];
//Create rules dynamically
for (i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
if (sheet.insertRule)
sheet.insertRule(selector+rule, 0);//This puts the rule at index 0
sheet.addRule(selector2, rule2, 0);//IE does things differently
rowStyles[i]=(sheet.rules||sheet.cssRules)[0].style;//Remember you have to fetch the rules-array from the sheet and not hold on to the old rules-array, since a new one is created during each insertion. Oh, and IE does things differently again; cssRules instead of rules
for (i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
if (sheet.insertRule)
sheet.insertRule(selector+rule, 0);
sheet.addRule(selector2, rule2, 0);
//Now they can be changed real easy and efficiently like this:
//This line changes the height for the second row, simply by modifying their css-rule, not setting a style-height on each element
//It is also really easy to adjust properties of rules added from css-file, just iterate through the rules/cssRules-array checking the selectorText-property of each object until the right one is found.
I did a bit of benchmarking and unless I'm going wrong somewhere the difference is quite tremendous. But yeah, apart from the benchmark it really does a huge noticeable difference in the real use case.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
td {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js " charset="UTF-8"></script>
<table id="table">
<tr id="row">
<script type="text/javascript">
var tr=document.getElementById("row");
for (var i=0; i<300; i++) {
var cell=tr.insertCell(0);
var sheet=document.styleSheets[0];
var c2=(sheet.rules||sheet.cssRules)[0].style;
var table=document.getElementById("table");
var startTime;
//First loop
startTime=new Date().getTime();
var c1=$(".cell");
for (var i=0; i<1000; i++) {
var time1=new Date().getTime()-startTime;
//Second loop
startTime=new Date().getTime();
for (var i=0; i<1000; i++) {
time2=new Date().getTime()-startTime;
//Third loop
startTime=new Date().getTime();
for (var i=0; i<1000; i++) {
time3=new Date().getTime()-startTime;
//Fourth loop
startTime=new Date().getTime();
for (var i=0; i<1000; i++) {
var time4=new Date().getTime()-startTime;
alert ("First:"+time1+" ms\nSecond:"+time2+" ms\nThird:"+time3+" ms\nForth:"+time4+" ms");
Would results from this be misleading for some reason? In that case I can't quite see where I'm going wrong so I'd appreciate feedback.These are the results I get.
Time taken to complete:
Loop 1: This one uses a simple jquery class-selector $(".cell").height(h);
- Chrome - 2335 ms
- Opera - 4151 ms
- IE 9 - 3965 ms
- Firefox - 6252 ms
- Safari - 2987 ms
Loop 2: This one is same as above but uses $(".cell").css("height",h) instead. It's faster
- Chrome - 1276 ms
- Opera - 3183 ms
- IE 9 - 2174 ms
- Firefox - 3685 ms
- Safari - 2240 ms
Loop 3: Same as above but it removes the table from DOM before modifying, then re-appending it. Seems faster in Firefox at least
- Chrome - 1259 ms
- Opera - 3079 ms
- IE 9 - 2221 ms
- Firefox - 2872 ms
- Safari - 2250 ms
Loop 4: This one modifies the css-rules dynamically:
- Chrome - 1 ms
- Opera - 10 ms
- IE 9 - 7 ms
- Firefox - 2 ms
- Safari - 13 ms