本文介绍了你能在 Parse.com 上使用 AngularJS 吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 phonegap 开发的新手我正在尝试选择一个框架来使用.我想使用 AngularJS,因为我已经阅读了关于它的好东西,但我希望它与 Parse.com 作为后端一起使用.我注意到一个 Parse.com 他们没有指定与 Angular 的任何兼容性,而且他们所有的文档和 Javascript API 都需要 Backbone.

I am new to phonegap development & I am trying to pick a framework to use. I'd like to use AngularJS as I've read good things about it, but I'd like it to work with Parse.com as a backend. I noticed that one Parse.com they don't specify any compatibility with Angular, and all their documentation and Javascript API requires Backbone.

我知道 AngularJS 支持 http,所以我可以使用 REST API 与 Parse 通信.但这会最终变得一团糟吗?我会节省自己的时间吗?如果我将 Backbone 与 Parse.com Javascript API 一起使用,会有压力吗?

I know AngularJS supports http, so I can communicate with Parse using the REST API. But is this going to end up being a mess & will I save myself time & stress if I use Backbone with the Parse.com Javascript API instead?


我没有研究过 Parse,但我相信只要有 REST API 可用,AngularJS 就可以很好地与 Parse.com 集成.这些链接证实了这一事实

I have not worked on Parse, but I believe as long there is a REST API available AngularJS can very well integrate with Parse.com. These links substantiate that fact



也就是说,AngularJS 是一个非常强大的框架,具有陡峭的学习曲线.简单的东西很简单,但需要低头开始学习不那么简单的东西,比如directives 一旦开始构建任何体面大小的应用程序.你在学习 AngularJS 上投入的越多,收获就越大.

Said that, AngularJS is a very capable framework with a steep learning curve. The simple stuff is simple but one needs to put ones head down and start learning the not so simple stuff like directives once one starts building any decent size application. The more you invest in learning AngularJS the more rewarding it becomes.


It has a very clean separation in terms of view and code. The code is further organized into modules, factories, services, controllers, directive, filters etc.

但仍然没有什么能阻止你对实现造成混乱:) 我随着时间的推移意识到,即使你在 AngularJS 中制造混乱,由于 Angular 的模块化特性,效果是本地化的,而不是影响整个应用程序.

But still nothing stops you from creating a mess with the implementation :) What I have realized over the time is even if you create mess within AngularJS the effects are localized rather than affecting the complete application, due to the modular nature of Angular.

我建议您尝试使用 AngularJS 创建或查看一些示例(例如 TodoMVC)

I suggest you try creating or looking at some samples with AngularJS (such as TodoMVC)

是我在学习和实施 AngularJS 解决方案时的感受

This is how i felt learning and implementing AngularJS solutions

这篇关于你能在 Parse.com 上使用 AngularJS 吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-13 12:42