根据Google的说法,您可以通过访问Chrome中的chrome-devtools://devtools/devtools.html来完成,但现在在稳定版Chrome(或Canary)中访问该页面时,只显示99%检查员的版本。重申我的标题是指检查检查员。不只是检查一个正常的网页。这是一个截图: / EM>在这个新窗口中。
- 如果需要,您可以重新锁定页面的DevTools。
According to Google this you to be accomplished by visiting "chrome-devtools://devtools/devtools.html" in Chrome but now visiting that page in the stable version of Chrome (or Canary), just shows a 99% stripped version of the inspector.
To reiterate my "title" this is in reference to "inspecting" the inspector. Not just inspecting a normal webpage. This is a screenshot: http://cl.ly/JFzc
And while I don't think it's necessary to know to resolve the issue, I"m inspecting the inspector so I can style it as discussed by Paul Irish and here: http://darcyclarke.me/design/skin-your-chrome-inspector/
Follow these easy steps!
- Press ++ (++ on Windows) to open DevTools.
Make sure that the developer tools are undocked into a new window. You may have to undock from the menu:
Press ++ again on this new window.
- That will open the DevTools on the DevTools.
- You can redock the page's DevTools if you want.
- If it's not already, select Elements — it's the first icon at the top of the inspector.
A little beyond the scope of your question, but still valid in understanding why you're experiencing your problem can be found by understanding how Chrome Developer Tools: Remote Debugging works.