


它最终不需要GUI,我更喜欢命令行,所以我可以通过各种工具处理输出(用于分段,可视化......)。 / p>




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binary =falsecorner =BOTTOM_RIGHT>
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PlantUML也有自己独特的语法,你也可以获得它的来源 - 但它并不像ObjectAid那样容易结合

Is there some tool that is able to analyze Java source files, construct a graph from it and provide the graph's data in some standard / understandable format ?

It definitively does not need to have GUI, I'd prefer a command line thing so I can process the output by various tools (for segmentation, visualization,...).


I'm not certain about command line tools, but I like using ObjectAid for reverse engineering into class diagrams:


You can easily add any class with it's relationships to an ObjectAid graph. It saves the file in an XML format with the ucls extension. Here's a sample:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<class-diagram version="1.1.4" icons="true"
always-add-relationships="true" generalizations="true" realizations="true"
associations="true" dependencies="true" nesting-relationships="true">
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            private="true" static="true" />
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    name="my.classpath.common.domain.CompanyAssignmentLocation" project="MyProject"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
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            private="true" static="true" />
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    name="my.classpath.common.domain.LocationsSpreadsheetReader" project="MyProject"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
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    project="MyProject" file="/SpecialPath/common/domain/Stock.java"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
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            private="true" static="true" />
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    project="MyProject" file="/SpecialPath/common/util/FilesUtil.java"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
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            private="true" static="true" />
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    project="MyProject" file="/SpecialPath/common/util/MyProjectUtil.java"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
    <position height="439" width="349" x="41" y="37" />
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            private="true" static="true" />
        <operations public="true" package="true" protected="true"
            private="true" static="true" />
<class id="7" language="java" name="my.classpath.common.util.SpringUtil"
    project="MyProject" file="/SpecialPath/common/util/SpringUtil.java"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
    <position height="133" width="246" x="1936" y="37" />
    <display autosize="true" stereotype="true" package="true"
        initial-value="false" signature="true" accessors="true" visibility="true">
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            private="true" static="true" />
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name="my.classpath.common.util.MyProjectUserUtil" project="MyProject"
file="/SpecialPath/common/util/MyProjectUserUtil.java" binary="false"
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            private="true" static="true" />
<class id="9" language="java" name="my.classpath.common.util.UnitConversion"
    project="MyProject" file="/SpecialPath/common/util/UnitConversion.java"
    binary="false" corner="BOTTOM_RIGHT">
    <position height="151" width="301" x="1068" y="37" />
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        private="true" static="true" />
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You can also use PlantUML, but it's better for forward engineering than reverse engineering:


PlantUML has its own unique syntax that you can get source for, too - but it's not nearly as easy to pull together as ObjectAid

Both of these work as eclipse plug-ins, sorry that I don't know more about any command line tools that might be able to do what you're asking.


06-10 14:33