


I'm doing a simple groupBy on a fairly small dataset (80 files in HDFS, few gigs in total). I'm running Spark on 8 low-memory machines in a yarn cluster, i.e. something along the lines of:

火花提交... --master纱客户--num-执行人8 --executor内存3000米--executor-芯1


The dataset consists of strings of length 500-2000.

我试图做一个简单的 groupByKey (见下文),但它无法用 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:GC开销限制超过例外

I'm trying to do a simple groupByKey (see below), but it fails with a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded exception

val keyvals = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("hdfs://...")
  .map( someobj.produceKeyValTuple )

我可以使用 reduceByKey 没有问题,确保自己的问题不是由一个单一的过大引起的群体,也不是群体过量的计数组大小:

I can count the group sizes using reduceByKey without problems, ensuring myself the problem isn't caused by a single excessively large group, nor by an excessive amount of groups :

keyvals.map(s => (s._1, 1)).reduceByKey((a,b) => a+b).collect().foreach(println)
// produces:
//  (key1,139368)
//  (key2,35335)
//  (key3,392744)
//  ...
//  (key13,197941)


I've tried reformatting, reshuffling and increasing the groupBy level of parallelism:

keyvals.groupByKey(24).count // fails
keyvals.groupByKey(3000).count // fails
keyvals.coalesce(24, true).groupByKey(24).count // fails
keyvals.coalesce(3000, true).groupByKey(3000).count // fails
keyvals.coalesce(24, false).groupByKey(24).count // fails
keyvals.coalesce(3000, false).groupByKey(3000).count // fails

我试着 spark.default.parallelism 玩耍,并增加 spark.shuffle.memoryFraction 0.8 ,同时降低 spark.storage.memoryFraction 0.1

I've tried playing around with spark.default.parallelism, and increasing spark.shuffle.memoryFraction to 0.8 while lowering spark.storage.memoryFraction to 0.1


The failing stage (count) will fail on task 2999 of 3000.


I can't seem to find anything that suggests that groupBy shouldn't just spill to disk instead of keeping things in memory, but I just can't get it to work right, even on fairly small datasets. This should obviosuly not be the case, and I must be doing something wrong, but I have no idea where to start debugging this!



Patrick Wendell shed some light on the details of the groupBy operator on the mailing list. The takeaway message is the following:

在分区中的东西将波及[...]这个溢出只能出现的跨键的的时刻。溢出不能在present的关键之内发生。 [...]对于GROUPBY的很可能是星火的下一个版本落得一键内溢出,星火1.2。 [...]如果目标是从字面上只写到磁盘与每个组相关联的所有值,并配有单组关联的值比适合在内存较大,这可能无法立即与GROUPBY运营商来完成。


He further suggests a work-around:

要解决这一点的最好方法取决于你正在尝试与下游的数据做了一下。典型的方法涉及子分割的非常大的群体,例如,附加在小范围内(1-10)大键散列值。然后,你的下游code的处理每一组聚合部分值。如果你的目标仅仅是各组布置在磁盘上的顺序上一个大文件,你可以叫 sortByKey 用散列后缀为好。排序功能是外在的星火1.1(这是在pre-释放)。


10-27 19:11