


as using answer of this topic for the first stephow to case insentive contain search with lodash

我的下一步是(我的第二个目标)我使用过滤器返回通过json文件搜索的所有包含匹配项.我的目标是遍历所有匹配项,并将每个lodash对象转换为具有特定css格式的jquery listViews的订单列表项.

my next step is (my second goal) i use filter to return all the contain matches searched through json file. my goal is to iterate through all matches and convert each lodash object to order list item of jquery listViews with the specific css format.

 function search(data, term) {
  return _.filter(data, function(x) {
return _.includes(_.toLower(x.title), _.toLower(term))})

document.getElementById('input').addEventListener('change', function() {
  var name = document.getElementById('input').value;
const data = [{ "video_url": "", "title": "Zane Ziadi" }, { "video_url": "", "title": "Darbast Azadi" }, { "video_url": "", "title": "Cheghadr Vaght Dari" }, { "video_url": "", "title": "Mashaal" }, { "video_url": "", "title": "Red Carpet" } ]

  var result = search(data, name);  // <-- change to use the new search fn
  if (!result) {
    console.log('Nothing found');
  } else {
    console.log('Go to ' + result.video_url);
  var ind = 0;
         listLength = result.length;
          listHTML = $.map(result, function(entry) {
           if (ind === 1)  {
                return "<li class=\"itemListClass\" id=\"movieListId\" data-theme=\"b\" style=\"padding-top:25px;padding-left: 15px;line-height:70px\"><a style=\"font-size:1.5em;\" class=\"list\"  href='" + entry.video_url + "'>" + entry.title + "</a></li>";
            }else {
            return "<li class=\"itemListClass\" id=\"movieListId\" style=\"padding-left: 15px;margin-left: 10px;line-height:70px\"><a style=\"font-size:1.5em;\" class=\"list\"  href='" + entry.video_url + "'>" + entry.title + "</a></li>";

请注意,列表视图中的第一项具有不同的样式表(具有data-theme = \"b \"参数)还请注意,由于硬件限制,我不能使用ES6.请使用jquery和纯javascript作为您的答案.您可以使用.map lodash或任何其他数据类型与特定的CSS进行转换.

please note the first item in the listview has different stylesheet (has data-theme=\"b\" parameter)also please note because of hardware limitation i can't use ES6. please use jquery and pure javascript for your answers. you can use .map lodash or any other data types to convert with specific css.


please note my listview filled out dynamically from javascript code

  <input id='input' type='text' placeholder="Search term">
  <ol id="listUl" data-role="listview" data-icon="false"  style="margin-right: 5px;">


您正在处理数组,因此可以使用lodash isEmpty检查其中是否包含任何项目.另外,由于jquery映射(并且任何map都将索引作为其第二个参数),因此您无需使用单独的计数器来跟踪索引.

You are dealing with an array so you can use lodash isEmpty to check if it has any items in it. Also you do not need to use a separate counter to track the index since jquery map (and any map has the index as its 2nd argument).


 function search(data, term) {
   return _.filter(data, function(x) {
     return _.includes(_.toLower(x.title), _.toLower(term))

 document.getElementById('input').addEventListener('change', function() {
   var name = document.getElementById('input').value;
   const data = [{
     "video_url": "",
     "title": "Zane Ziadi"
   }, {
     "video_url": "",
     "title": "Darbast Azadi"
   }, {
     "video_url": "",
     "title": "Cheghadr Vaght Dari"
   }, {
     "video_url": "",
     "title": "Mashaal"
   }, {
     "video_url": "",
     "title": "Red Carpet"

   var result = search(data, name);
   if (_.isEmpty(result)) {
     console.log('Nothing found');
   } else {
     listHTML = $.map(result, function(entry, i) {
       if (i == 0) {
         return "<li class=\"itemListClass\" id=\"movieListId\" data-theme=\"b\" style=\"padding-top:25px;padding-left: 15px;line-height:70px\"><a style=\"font-size:1.5em;\" class=\"list\"  href='" + entry.video_url + "'>" + entry.title + "</a></li>";
       } else {
         return "<li class=\"itemListClass\" id=\"movieListId\" style=\"padding-left: 15px;margin-left: 10px;line-height:70px\"><a style=\"font-size:1.5em;\" class=\"list\"  href='" + entry.video_url + "'>" + entry.title + "</a></li>";



09-09 14:26