本文介绍了使用 Angular UI Router 在视图中单击 ng-click 时不会更新范围变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a problem with the following code: Plunkr.

当我单击按钮时,ng-click 在范围内更改变量 var1.但显然这个变量没有在视图中更新,这是我用 UI 路由器创建的.看起来作用域已经复制到同一个控制器中了.

When I click the button, the ng-click changes the variable var1 in scope. But apparently this variable is not updated in view, which I have created with UI Router. It looks like the scope have been copied inside the same controller.

问题在两种情况下消失:当我在我的视图中使用 {{$parent.var1}} 而不是 {{var1}} 时,或者当我从我的状态中删除 controller: 'MainCtrl' 声明.

The problem disappears in two situations: when I use {{$parent.var1}} instead of {{var1}}from inside my view, OR when I remove controller: 'MainCtrl' declaration from my state.

任何人都可以澄清发生了什么以及如何避免此类问题?我喜欢删除控制器声明的解决方案,但 Angular UI Router 将如何确定使用哪个控制器?

Can anyone clarify what's going on and how to avoid such problems? I like the solution with removing the controller declaration but how Angular UI Router will figure out which controller to use?


控制器和一些向 dom 添加元素的指令创建自己的作用域 (ng-if, ng-switchng-repeatng-view 等).您可以使用 AngularJS Batarang chrome 扩展来帮助调试它们.值是继承的,但在子作用域中设置值会破坏继承.您可以创建自己的服务,也可以使用从父作用域继承的对象,只要您在继承的对象上设置属性就可以了.由于您在控制器中设置值,因此我使用 || 仅在没有继承值的情况下初始设置值.(plnkr):

Controllers and some directives that add elements to the dom create their own scope (ng-if, ng-switch, ng-repeat, ng-view etc.). You can use the AngularJS Batarang chrome extension to help debug them. The values are inherited, but setting the value in a child scope breaks the inheritance. You can create your own service, or you can use an object inherited from a parent scope and as long as you're setting properties on the inherited object you'd be fine. Since you're setting the value in your controller I use || to only set the value initially if an inherited value isn't there. (plnkr):

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, globals) {
  $scope.var1 = 1;
  $scope.obj = $scope.obj || {var1: 1};
  $scope.g = globals; // for access in the page
  $scope.onClick = function() {

app.service('globals', function() {
  this.var1 = 1;
  return this;

这篇关于使用 Angular UI Router 在视图中单击 ng-click 时不会更新范围变量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 19:15