


I have an app, that should be toddler safe.Meaning that, it blocks any single key touch, yet handles long pressing for exiting the app.This is so that, the toddler will be safe from doing (too) nasty things while playing.Up to version 2.3.4, I succeeded in achieving this.However, now I have 2 problems:

  1. 在蜂窝,我的状态栏通知可以是pssed在$ P $。另外,我有切换窗口键可以是pressed。我会成功,但它的唯一的事情就是朦胧状态栏。
  2. 在冰淇淋三明治(使用模拟器,我还没有使用这个版本的真实设备),调用next code的时候,我得到它甚至不能被捕获的异常。异常:

  1. On honeycomb, I have the status bar notifications which can be pressed on. Also , I have the switch-windows key which can be pressed. The only thing I succeeded with it is to dim the status bar.
  2. On ice cream sandwich (using emulator, I still don't have a real device with this version), when calling the next code, I get an exception which cannot even be caught.the exception:


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Window type can not be changed after the window is added.


public void onAttachedToWindow()


What can I do?


对于Android版本4(API 14及以上),有可能使用:        getWindow()的setType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT);

for android version 4 (API 14 and up) , it might be possible to use : getWindow().setType(WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT);


however,on the emulator , it doesn't block the home button , so it's kinda useless .i still don't know if it works fine on real devices.


maybe it's possible to use the next workaround:set the app as the default home screen app .if the home button was pressed while the application was active, capture it and do nothing.if the home button was pressed while the application was on the background (or closed) , open the previously selected default home app .


alternatively , i could ask the user to set the default home launcher app as mine for each time it is started , and reset it again (either to the previous one , or total reset) after it is closed.


is it possible?if so, how?

由于机器人棒棒糖(版本5.0是API 21),有一个屏幕,钉扎的一种方式,这可以由用户或应用程序(联系的):

Since Android Lollipop (version 5.0 which is API 21), there is a way of screen-pinning, and this can be turned on by the user or the app (link here) :


手动:用户可以启用屏幕寄托在设置>安全>  屏幕钢钉,并通过触摸选择他们想要销的任务  在最近通话屏幕上绿色的图钉图标。编程:要激活  屏幕穿针编程,从您的应用程序调用startLockTask()。  如果请求的应用程序是不是器件拥有者,将提示用户  确认。设备所有者的应用程序可以调用setLockTaskPackages()  方法,使应用程序成为pinnable未经用户确认  一步。

Manually: Users can enable screen pinning in Settings > Security > Screen Pinning, and select the tasks they want to pin by touching the green pin icon in the recents screen. Programmatically: To activate screen pinning programmatically, call startLockTask() from your app. If the requesting app is not a device owner, the user is prompted for confirmation. A device owner app can call the setLockTaskPackages() method to enable apps to be pinnable without the user confirmation step.


What does it do? read further and see:


When task locking is active, the following behavior happens:

状态栏是空白的,和用户通知和状态信息  被隐藏。 Home和最近的应用程序按钮是隐藏的。其他应用程序  无法启动新的活动。当前的应用程序可以开始新  活动,只要这样做不会产生新的任务。当屏幕  钉扎由器件拥有者调用时,用户仍然锁定到您的  应用程序直到应用程序调用stopLockTask()。如果屏幕钉扎的活动  由另一个应用程序,不是器件拥有者或由用户直接的  用户可以通过按住后端及近期按钮退出。

不仅如此,但据 这个帖子 ,你也可以切换此不用户确认,退出这个特殊的状态将是你的应用程序的逻辑下。

Not only that, but according to this post, you can also toggle this without user-confirmation, and exiting this special state would be under your app's logic.


Seems like the perfect thing for toddler safe app.


08-05 06:46