我有以下用于反转链表的代码.我在 while 循环中感到困惑,所以如果有人能提供它实际工作方式的视觉解释,我肯定会很感激.
I have following piece of code for reversing the linked list. I am getting confused in while loop and so would certainly appreciate if someone can provide visual explanation of how actually it's working.
static void Reverse (struct node** headRef)
struct node* result = NULL;
struct node* current = *headref;
struct node* next;
while(current != NULL)
next = current->next;
current->next = result;
result = current;
current = next;
*headRef = result;
好的,这是我试图让 valya 的答案更清晰的尝试(虽然我认为它已经很不错了):
OK, here's my attempt to make valya's answer even clearer (though I thought it was pretty good already):
// a->b->c->d->e->NULL
,它包含一个指向 b
的指针 (next
We start at the first node, a
, which contains a pointer (next
) to b
// a->b ...
行 next = current->next;
将 next
设置为 b
(足够简单).下一行 current->next = result;
The line next = current->next;
sets next
to b
(simple enough). The next line current->next = result;
does this:
// NULL<-a b ... (notice there is no longer a pointer from a to b)
然后我们有 result = current;
它将 result
设置为 a
(同样,足够简单).最后,我们有所有重要的 current = next;
,它将 current
设置为 b
Then we have result = current;
which sets result
to a
(again, simple enough). And finally, we have the all important current = next;
, which set current
to b
>,并且 current
设置为 b
So on the next iteration of the while loop, with next
set to b
, result
set to a
, and current
set to b
, we start over:
next = current->next;
// NULL<-a<-b c ...
current->next = result;
result = current;
next = current->next;
// NULL<-a<-b<-c d ...
current->next = result;
result = current;
Once we've gotten to the last item in the linked list (e
in this example), this happens:
next = current->next; // next becomes NULL
// NULL<-a<-b<-c<-d<-e
current->next = result;
result = current; // result is now e
current = next; // current is now NULL
Now, since current
is NULL, the while loop terminates, and we are left with:
*headRef = result;
,正如您现在看到的,使 headRef
指向 e
,将 e
指向 d
指向 c
which, as you can see now, makes headRef
point to e
, treating e
as the new first item in our linked list, with e->next
pointing to d
, d->next
pointing to c
, etc.