


I made an extensive search but I couldn't find any example about this.

我有一个TimeSpan类型的.NET变量,我需要将其放入Oracle DB的IntervalDayToSecond记录中.

I have a .NET variable of type TimeSpan and I need to put it into an IntervalDayToSecond record of an Oracle DB.

请参考 http://docs.oracle.com/html/B14164_01/featOraCommand. htm 在此页面上,应该可以将TimeSpan对象作为OracleParameter传递并以IntervalDayToSecond类型的记录将其插入到我的Oracle DB中.

Referring to http://docs.oracle.com/html/B14164_01/featOraCommand.htm this page, it should be possible to pass a TimeSpan object as an OracleParameter and get it inserted into my Oracle DB in a record of IntervalDayToSecond type.


OracleParameter t = new OracleParameter("PAR_T", _msg.t);


I tried it in every way, also explicitly specifying the DBType (it shouldn't be necessary):

OracleParameter t = new OracleParameter("PAR_T", _msg.t);
taxi.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.IntervalDS;


I always get the same error from Oracle:


I can't understand how to make it work; I use dozens of parameters in this application (of type String, Integer, Date) and they all are working. On Google I can't find a single example of someone using c# TimeSpan as Parameter. Has anyone ever tried this?



Ok, it was definitely my fault.Good old OracleParameter was doing his job nicely; the problem was elsewhere in the query.

因此,我在此确认是否可以将TimeSpan变量绑定到Oracle Interval Day To Second记录.

So I hereby confirm that it is possible to bind a TimeSpan variable to an Oracle Interval Day To Second record.

string s = "00:20";
TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.parse(s);
OracleParameter op = new OracleParameter("PAR_T", ts);

这将创建一个名为PAR_T的参数,该参数可在查询中用于将值插入Interval Day To Second记录中.

This creates a parameter named PAR_T which can be used in a query to insert a value into a Interval Day To Second record.


10-29 01:59