

问题 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP以毫秒为单位讨论了如何从时间戳中减去毫秒MySqlPostgreSql".但是答案中的方法不起作用,因为H2不支持像conv这样的MySQL方法.

The question CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in milliseconds discussed how to "get milliseconds out of a timestamp in MySql or PostgreSql". But the methods in the answers don't work because H2 doesn't support MySQL methods like conv.


I want to use a variant of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for the defaultValueComputed of my schema file.

如何获取H2中时间戳的确切毫秒数?我希望它是long.我还希望返回的毫秒数在 Unix时间中.

How can I get the exact milliseconds of a timestamp in H2? I want it be a long. I also want the milliseconds returned to be in Unix time.


Here it is in my schema file:

<column name="create_time" type="long" defaultValueComputed="?"
    <constraints nullable="false"/>


public interface MyDao extends Transactional<MyDao> {
        "INSERT INTO my_table "(id, create_time)" +
        "VALUES (:id, :create_time)"
    void insert(@BindBean MyObject myObject);

我查看了 http://www.h2database的时间和日期函数"部分.com/html/functions.html ,尽管PARSEDATETIME可能可以工作,但找不到任何可以做到这一点的东西.

I looked at the "Time and Date Functions" section of http://www.h2database.com/html/functions.html and couldn't find anything that could do this though maybe PARSEDATETIME somehow could work.


Maybe an alias is possible. See groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/h2-database/kziTTTNlB9o:


我知道这是个老问题,但像我这样的人可以作为该问题的搜索答案.我们可以使用h2 DATEDIFF()函数以毫秒为单位获取当前时间.

I know this is old question but anyone like me, can be search answer for this question. We can get current time by millisecond with h2 DATEDIFF() function.

首先,我们传递current_timestamp和第一个日期值,并返回类型SECOND作为参数,例如:DATEDIFF('SECOND', DATE '1970-01-01', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) * 1000返回的结果对我们来说是current_time的毫秒.

Fisrtly we pass current_timestamp and first date value and return type SECOND as a parameters like :DATEDIFF('SECOND', DATE '1970-01-01', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) * 1000 the returned result is current_time's millisecond for us.


10-17 01:15