


I need to track how many users have visited some page in the past 24 hours, and if the number of users goes over 50 in this time, then I want to display the dynamically summed cumulative user count for that timeframe.

我以前在后端使用了JS POST和PHP解析的基本组合,如下所示:

I have previously used a basic combination of JS POST and PHP parsing on the back end like this:

    $.post( "//api.link.here/using.php", { someParameter: 'xxx' }, function(data) {
        if(data > 50) {
            $('#much-visits').html('Hot Like Fire: '+data);


But am now working on a platform that doesn't allow me to edit PHP in any way, and this method has not been developed on this platform.


Is it possible to accomplish this same/similar thing but with javascript only (frameworks/outside API calls allowed)?



I figured out how to do this with the help of user kabiroberai's answer regarding count.io.


Every time a person visits the page, execute this function (change usercount to something more unique):

type: "POST"

当您想要读取其值时,请调用此函数。 Usercount是您之前创建的唯一字符串:

And when you want to read its value, call this function. Usercount is the unique string you made previously:

success: function(data) {


NOTE: It's important to know that if someone gets to know the string, they might be able to hack the system so be wary of that.


The problem with this method is that it gives us the total count of all time, rather than the count of users from the past 24 hours.


To get the 24-hour count, we can do this: // Timestamp shim for browsers

    // Timestamp
    var timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now());
    // 24 hour old timestampt
    var dayAgo = timestamp - 86400000;

    // Record a hit to the count.io DB under DankStopProduct# group, as a timestmped hit of 1
    var productNumber = $('.some-product-element').find('some-unique-identifier').attr('value'); //Doesn't have to be value, could be any unique identifier
        url:'http://count.io/vb/YourProduct' + productNumber + '/' + timestamp + '+',
        type: 'POST'

    // Make dynamic HTTP prefix that depends on the prefi of the site's current page protocol
    var httpPrefix = (window.location.protocol === 'http:' ? 'http:' : 'https:');

    // Retrieve current product array
        //I use CORS-anywhere to retrieve the data as otherwise there is a cross-origin problem
        httpPrefix + '//cors-anywhere.herokuapp.com/' + 'http://count.io/vb/YourProduct' + productNumber,
        function (data) {
            var timedViewCounter = 0;
            var myStringArray = data.counts;
            var arrayLength = myStringArray.length;
            // Check each "timestamped hit" in the current product's array to see if it's older than 24 hours
            for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
                var itemTimestamp = data.counts[i].item;
                // Count up all the product hits that are 24 hours old or newer
                if (itemTimestamp > dayAgo) {
            // If total count is greater than 50, then output HTML onto page
            var hotItem = '<div id="hot-item"><strong><i class="fa fa-fire"></i> Hot Like Fire!</strong> - ' +
                            '<span class="view-count">' + timedViewCounter + '</span> people have viewed this product in the last 24 hours</div>';
            if (timedViewCounter > 50) {


And that's all! Now the product view count will only be output if it's 51 views or higher in the past 24 hours.


08-21 11:06