I've migrated my project to AndroidX cause i was having some errors, but now i'm receiving a loop of errors that the androidX class has a different version from the compile:
Android dependency 'androidx.fragment:fragment' has different version for the compile (1.0.0-rc01) and runtime (1.1.0-alpha04) classpath. You should manually set the same version via DependencyResolution
And it's always a different a class, i've already tried implementing this code but every time i add a line it gives me other class different from the compile:
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force 'androidx.fragment:fragment:v4:1.1.0-alpha04'
我已解决了在gradle.properties中将项目迁移到androidX并通过Refactor =>迁移到AndroidX并将此代码添加到我的应用程序/中的错误build.gradle:
I've resolved my error migrating my project to androidX in gradle.properties, and by Refactor => Migrate to AndroidX, and adding this code to my app/build.gradle:
configurations {
all*.exclude group: 'com.google.guava', module: 'listenablefuture'