本文介绍了Java 获取 MIB 中 OID 的名称/描述的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在编写一个网络管理系统,并且需要能够在从 SNMP 陷阱接收到的 OID 后面打印出有意义的名称.由于该系统的性质/规模,对于正在使用的每个设备上的每个 MIB,手动将每个 OID 映射到一个有意义的名称并不是一个好主意.

I am programming a network management system, and need to be able to print out meaningful names behind the OIDs that are received from SNMP traps. Due to the nature/size of this system, it would not be a good idea to manually map every OID to a meaningful name for every MIB on every device that is being used.

话虽如此,对于 MIB 中的所有 OID,是否有一种免费(商业用途)的方式可以自动将名称/描述与其各自的 OID 配对;然后在 Java 程序中使用这些配对?

With that said, is there a free (commercial use) way of automatically pairing name/description with their respective OID for all OIDs in a MIB; and then those pairings be used in a Java program?

换句话说,是否有一种工具或方法可以将 MIB 树转换为可以在程序中遍历以检索 OID 名称/描述的 Java 对象?

In other words, is there a tool or method that will convert a MIB tree to Java objects that can be traversed in a program to retrieve OID's names/descriptions?



您需要一个 MIB 解析器 - 例如 Mibble(在 GPL 和商业许可下可用).

You need a MIB parser - for example Mibble (available under GPL and commercial license).

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05-16 19:45