

我想在我的源代码中调用 sbt update 来更新多个 sbt 项目.在 shell 中,这很容易:

I would like to call sbt update within my source-code, to update multiple sbt projects. In the shell this is easy:

cd /path/to/project && sbt update

但是如果我在我的代码中使用 scala.sys.process,它不会记住 cd 因此 sbt 在错误的目录.代码如下:

But if I use scala.sys.process within my code, it won't remember the cd therefore sbt is called in the wrong directory. Code like this:

import scala.sys.process._
("cd /path/to/project" #&& "sbt update").!!

而且我没有在文档中找到任何通过控制台设置 sbt 项目路径的可能性.如果这样的事情有效,那就太好了:

And I didn't find in the documentation any possibility to set sbt's project path via console. It would be nice if something like this works:

"sbt -projectPath /path/to/project update".!!

如果这样的事情是可能的,这将为我省去很多麻烦!(特别是它在 UNIX 和 Windows 上运行.)

If something like that is possible, this would save me a lot of mess! (Especially that it runs on UNIX and Windows.)


Process 对象上使用 ProcessBuilder 工厂方法之一:

Use one of the ProcessBuilder factory methods on the Process object:

sys.process.Process(Seq("sbt","update"), new java.io.File("/path/to/project")).!!

有关更多文档,请参阅 scaladoc 文件对于 sys.process 包.不幸的是,它没有提到当前工作目录"参数,但它们在对象 Process 的文档中.

For more documentation, see the scaladoc file for the sys.process package. Unfortunately, it does not mention the 'current working directory' arguments, but they are in the documentation of object Process.


09-05 19:54