请是一名学生,该项目正在开发一个可视化工具,使用 matlab 中的 mvc 设计来分析数据.但我遇到的问题是我刚开始编程,而 matlab 是我做的第一个真正的编程.我几乎完成了代码,但我担心它们在 mvc 设计模式中是不可能的,所以我需要改变这一点.
please am a student working on a project to develop a visualization tool to analyse data using an mvc design in matlab. but the problem im having is that im new to programming and matlab is the first real programing im doing. ive pretty much done the codes but i fear they are no way in an mvc design pattern so i need to change this.
真的很感激尽可能多的估算来将我与有用的材料联系起来,因为我在 matlab 中找不到任何适用于 mvc 的代码,或者可能是在 matlab 中实现 mvc 的示例代码,以帮助我了解如何做我的工作,目前正在做这样的事情,其中 data 是一个结构,带有 .Name 和 .Data 的文件.函数/方法 datcorrCoef 和 datCorrSum 是我创建的函数,它们接受我的数据对象作为参数
would really appreciate as many imputes as possible to link me up with useful materials as i cant find any for mvc in matlab or may be exemplar codes that implement mvc in matlab to help give me an idea of how i can do mine, presently and doing things like this, where data is a structure with fileds for .Name and .Data. the functions/ methods datcorrCoef and datCorrSum are function i have created that accept my data object as arguments
function dataAnalysisGUI(data)
fdataAnalysisGUI = figure('Name','Data Analysis ',...
'NumberTitle', 'off')
%%% intialise the gui with data set to work with
vtDaUD.opD = data;
Rsq = datcorrCoef(vtDaUD.opD);
opit = datWrappa(Rsq);
vtDaUD.wd = opit;
vtDaUD.feel = datCorrSum(data);
%%%------------------- menus ------------------------------------------%%%
smh = uimenu('Label', 'Sort', 'Tag', 'daSortMenu');
cmh = uimenu(smh, 'Label', 'Sum of CorrCoeff ',...
'Tag', 'correlation');
uimenu(cmh, 'Label', 'Increasing ',...
'Tag', 'cIncreasing',...
uimenu(cmh, 'Label', 'Decreasing ',...
'Tag', 'cDecreasing',...
mmh = uimenu(smh, 'Label', 'Max Lag ',...
'Tag', 'maxLag');
uimenu(mmh, 'Label', 'Increasing ',...
'Tag', 'mIncreasing',...
uimenu(mmh, 'Label', 'Decreasing ',...
'Tag', 'mDecreasing',...
dmh = uimenu('Label', 'Display', 'Tag', 'daDisplayMenu');
uimenu(dmh, 'Label', 'Scatter Plots ',...
'Tag', 'dScatter',...
uimenu(dmh, 'Label', 'Cross Correlation ',...
'Tag', 'dCrosscorr',...
uimenu(dmh, 'Label', 'Time Series ',...
'Tag', 'dTimeseries',...
%%%------------------------ panels ------------------------------------%%%
vtDaPanel1 = uipanel(fdataAnalysisGUI,...
'Position', [.025 .035 .84 .95],...
'backgroundcolor',[0.8, 0.8,0.8],...
'title', 'Table of Cross Correlations between Data');
vtDaPanel2 = uipanel(fdataAnalysisGUI,...
'Position', [.87 .566 .12 .396],...
'backgroundcolor',[0.8, 0.8,0.8],...
'title', 'Analysis');
%%%------------------------- objects -------------------------------%%%
uitable('parent', vtDaPanel1,...
'RearrangeableColumn', 'on',...
'Position',[.01 .2 .98 .8],...
uitable('parent', vtDaPanel1,...
'RearrangeableColumn', 'on',...
'Position',[.01 .01 .98 .15],...
'rowname','Sum of Corr. Coeff',...
'TooltipString','select column header to drill down',...
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'popupmenu',...
'Position', [.10 .75 .8 .1],...
'String', {'Correlation Coeff';'Max lags'},...
'Callback', 'vtDaCallbacks(''taskpopMenu_callback'')');
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'text',...
'Position', [.10 .86 .8 .05],...
'String', {'Task'});
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'text',...
'Position', [.10 .61 .8 .05],...
'String', {'Mini Display'});
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'pushbutton',...
'Position', [.10 .5 .8 .1],...%[450 350 100 50]
'String', {'TimeSeries'},...
'Callback', 'vtDaCallbacks(''pushTimeseries_callback'')');
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'pushbutton',...
'Position', [.10 .35 .8 .1],...
'String', {'Scatter'},...
'Callback', 'vtDaCallbacks(''pushScatter_callback'')');
uicontrol(vtDaPanel2, 'Style', 'pushbutton',...
'Position', [.10 .2 .8 .1],...
'String', {'Max Lag'},...
'Callback', 'vtDaCallbacks(''pushMaxlag_callback'')');
name = genvarname(['daGUI' data.Name{2}]);%name = datname('daGUI',lenght(data.Name));
vtDaUD.varName = name;
eval([name '= data.Data']);
and i have done the callback/ control as follows;
function vtDaCallbacks(action)
handles = guihandles(gcf);
vtDaUD = get(handles.dataAnalysisGUI,'UserData');
tab2Data.Data = get(handles.vtDaTable2,'data');
tab2Data.Name = get(handles.vtDaTable2,'columnname');
switch action
%%%-----------------------Data AnalysisGUI menu callbacks-----------%%%
case 'cIncreasing_callback'
[newTabData,index] = sortaColumn(tab2Data,'ascend',1);
vtDaUD.wd = dataselect(vtDaUD.opD,index);
set(handles.vtDaTable2, 'data', newTabData.Data)
set(handles.vtDaTable2, 'columnname', newTabData.Name)
case 'cDecreasing_callback'
[newTabData,index] = sortaColumn(tab2Data,'descend',1);
vtDaUD.wd = dataselect(vtDaUD.opD,index);
%[vtDaUD.wd,newTabData,newcolumnname] = sortta2(vtDaUD.opD,'descend',tab2Data,1);
set(handles.vtDaTable2, 'data', newTabData.Data)
set(handles.vtDaTable2, 'columnname', newTabData.Name)
case 'dScatter_callback'
dataDispGUI('dScatta','calnumpage2',vtDaUD.opD, 'Scatter Plots')
case 'dTimeseries_callback'
dataDispGUI('dTimeSeries2','calnumpage2',vtDaUD.opD, 'Time Series Plots')
%%%-------------------Data AnalysisGUI uiobject callbacks-----------%%%
case 'dataTable_callback'
[indices,data1,data2] = daTable_callback(vtDa.opD);
case 'taskpopMenu_callback'
val = get (handles.taskpopMenu,'value');
switch val
case 1
Rsq = datcorrCoef(vtDaUD.opD);
tab1data = datWrappa(Rsq);%vtDaUD.wd
'title', 'Table of Cross Correlations between Data');
case 2
[maxT,lags,coeff]= datCrossCorr(vtDaUD.opD,30);
tab1data = datWrappa(maxT);%vtDaUD.wd
'title', 'Table of Max Lag between Data');
set(handles.vtDaTable, 'data', tab1data.Data)%vtDaUD.wd.Data
set(handles.vtDaTable2,'data', vtDaUD.feel.Data)
set(handles.vtDaTable2,'columnname', vtDaUD.feel.Name)
case 'pushTimeseries_callback'
case 'pushScatter_callback'
case 'pushMaxlag_callback'
where i again have other functions that operate with my data object here in the controller; really frustrated about the whole thing!! please let me know if im not being clear enough about the description of my problem so you can please help out. thank you
对于 MVC,您需要适当的面向对象.MATLAB 中的 OO 在较新的版本中可用,您可以像在 Java 中执行 MVC 一样使用它.但它在 MATLAB 中感觉"不正确(所以我认为你的导师不是这个意思)因为在大多数简单情况下和复杂/大型 UI 的 MATLAB 速度太慢,在某些情况下存在性能问题.
For MVC you need proper Object-Orientation. OO in MATLAB is available in the newer versions, you can just do it like you would do MVC in Java. But it does not "feel" right in MATLAB (so I do not think your instructor meant this) because it would be an overkill in most simple cases and for complex/large UI's MATLAB is too slow and has performance issues in some scenarios.
否则你可以使用嵌套函数(CS 中的闭包).使用闭包可以模拟"一些 OO 功能.唯一的问题是所有内容都必须保存在一个 m 文件中.
Otherwise you can use nested functions (closures in CS). With closures some OO functionality can be "emulated". The only problem is that everything has to stay in one m-file.
- 模型:嵌套作用域变量(此处命名为this")
- 视图:uicontrols(和其他 ui 元素)
- 控制器:回调
这是一个非常基本的示例,只需填写您的模型数据并查看 ui:
Here is a very basic example, just fill it with your model data and view ui's:
function mvc_test()
//% THIS is nested scope variable
this.model = getModel();
this.view = getView();
//% create model
function model = getModel()
model.data1 = 1;
//% create view
function view = getView()
view.hfig = figure();
view.hbtn = uicontrol( 'style', 'push', 'string', 'click me', 'callback', @btn1_cb );
//% controller
function btn1_cb(varargin)
this.model.data1 = this.model.data1 + 1;
set( this.view.hbtn, 'string', num2str(this.model.data1) );
这篇关于如何在matlab gui中实现mvc设计的思想的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!