


const asyncFuntion=async()=>{
    //some asynchronous code

const first = async()=>{
    await asyncFuntion();
    console.log('first completed');

const second = ()=>{
    console.log('second completed');

function main(){







进入first时,我们立即击中await asyncFunction().这告诉JavaScript调用asyncFunction,然后在我们等待其完成时随意去寻找其他事情. Javascript是做什么的?


现在,我们需要找到其他与空闲时间有关的东西. JavaScript无法继续first的下一行(即console.log('firstcomplete')),因为我们的await意味着我们不能在asyncFunction完成之前继续进行下一行.

因此,我们查找堆栈. Javascript发现first是从main调用的,而first本身不是 await.换句话说,我们告诉Javascript,首先是否异步并不重要,只要继续即可.因此,我们直接跳到second.一旦执行了second,我们便会回过头来查看该内容,并按照每个人期望的方式继续执行.


鉴于我们位于一个新的堆栈中,并且离开了主"堆栈框架已经很久了,当我们击中其中的断点时,mainfirst又如何再次出现在堆栈中? >


但是,如今,某些调试器可以按照等待的代码返回其正在解决的承诺(请记住,awaitasync主要是 只是在promise之上的语法糖).换句话说,当您等待的代码完成并且幕后的承诺"解决时,您的调试器会帮助您确定堆栈应该"是什么样子.它显示的内容实际上与引擎最终调用该函数的方式不太相似-毕竟,它是从事件循环中调用的.但是,我认为这是一个有用的补充,它使我们所有人都可以使代码的思维模型比实际发生的事情简单得多!


How does the Call Stack behave when async/await functions are used ?

const asyncFuntion=async()=>{
    //some asynchronous code

const first = async()=>{
    await asyncFuntion();
    console.log('first completed');

const second = ()=>{
    console.log('second completed');

function main(){


In the above code, when the first breakpoint is encountered in second(), I could see that the call stack contained main() and second(). And during the second breakpoint in first(), the call stack contained main() and first().

What happened to first() during the first breakpoint. Where is it pushed ? Assuming that the asyncFunction() takes some time to complete.

Someone please help.


First off, when you get to the breakpoint you hit in second, first has already executed and is no longer on the stack.

When we go into first, we instantly hit an await asyncFunction(). This tells JavaScript to call the asyncFunction, then feel free to go looking for something else to do while we're waiting for it to finish. What does Javascript do?

Well, first of all, we have to sort out asyncFunction. We throw that function call into the event loop. That is to say, we put it in a queue of "things to do when we have time". We'll come back to it when it's finished.

Now we need to go find something else to do with our free time. JavaScript can't continue with the next line of first (ie, the console.log('first completed')) because our await means we can't carry on the next line until the asyncFunction has finished.

So, we look up the stack. Javascript sees that first was called from main, and first itself wasn't awaited. In other words, we told Javascript it doesn't matter if first is async, just carry on regardless. So, we skip right on to second. Once we've executed second, we look back to whatever called that, and carry on with execution in the way everyone would expect.

Then, at some point in the future, our asyncFunction finishes. Maybe it was waiting on an API call to return. Maybe it was waiting on the database to reply back to it. Whatever it was waiting for, the signal got sent, and it's ready to be dealt with. It's not "called" from main - internally the function is picked back up, somewhat like a callback, but crucially is called with a completely new stack, which will be destroyed once we're done calling the remainder of the function.

Given that we're in a new stack, and have long since left the 'main' stack frame, how do main and first end up on the stack again when we hit the breakpoint inside it?

For a long time, if you ran your code inside debuggers, the simple answer was that they wouldn't. You'd just get the function you were in, and the debugger would tell you it had been called from "asynchronous code", or something similar.

However, nowadays some debuggers can follow awaited code back to the promise that it is resolving (remember, await and async are mostly just syntactic sugar on top of promises). In other words, when your awaited code finishes, and the "promise" under the hood resolves, your debugger helpfully figures out what the stack "should" look like. What it shows doesn't actually bear much resemblence to how the engine ended up calling the function - after all, it was called out of the event loop. However, I think it's a helpful addition, enabling us all to keep the mental model of our code much simpler than what's actually going on!

Some further reading on how this works, which covers much more detail than I can here:


09-05 11:15