本文介绍了(嵌入式?)Ruby/Python,现有的 XAMPP 堆栈的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经在本地 XAMPP 安装上使用 PHP 进行了大约一年的时间.我学到了很多东西,但现在需要扩展我的知识库,以关注其他语言.

I've been plugging away for about a year and a bit now with PHP on my local XAMPP install. I've learned very much, but am now needing to expand my knowledge base with concern to other languages.

所以,我想我会尝试处理 Ruby/Python.

So, I figured I'd try tackling Ruby/Python.

现在,由于我坚持 Web 应用程序开发,我认为嵌入式 Ruby/Python 将是过渡的方式,从 PHP 迁移.

Now, since I'm sticking to web application development, I would assume embedded Ruby/Python would be the way to go, transitionally, moving from PHP.

我的 Windows 7 x64 机器上有一个现有的 XAMPP 安装,我想在它上面堆放 Ruby 和 Python.但是,我对如何做到这一点感到有些困惑(阅读,如果我能做到这一点)

I have an existing XAMPP install on my Windows 7 x64 machine, which I'd like to pile Ruby and Python on top of. However, I'm a bit confused with how to do this (read, if I can do this)

无论如何,我想迁移到更新的 XAMPP 版本(从...到 1.7.4,无论我在运行什么),我已经下载了 RubyInstaller 1.9.2,但我想我会要求一些见解在我去弄坏东西之前.

I want to move to the newer XAMPP release (to 1.7.4 from... whatever I'm running) anyways, and I've downloaded the RubyInstaller 1.9.2, but I figured I'd ask for some insight before I go and break something.

那么,我该如何配置 XAMPP 安装以支持嵌入式 Ruby/Python?

So, how do I go about configuring a XAMPP install to support embedded Ruby/Python?


难道你不能只安装 ruby​​ 和 python,然后使用 mod_railsmod_wsgi?我在我的本地机器(虽然是 MacOS)上做同样的事情,但效果很好——但从未通过 XAMPP 尝试过.有些人在 MAMP 上很幸运,但由于他们如何分发它而很痛苦 - 您可能在 XAMPP 上有更好的运气.不过,在这种特殊情况下,我不会太担心破坏任何东西 - 最多,你会编译一个坏的 mod_wsgi 模块并将其扔掉.

Couldn't you just install ruby and python, and then use mod_rails and mod_wsgi? I do the same thing on my local machine (MacOS, though) and it works great - never tried it through XAMPP though. Some people have had luck with MAMP but it's a pain due to how they distribute it - you may have better luck with XAMPP. In this particular case, though, I wouldn't be too worried about breaking anything - at most, you'll compile a bad mod_wsgi module and throw it away.

这篇关于(嵌入式?)Ruby/Python,现有的 XAMPP 堆栈的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 10:43