本文介绍了Verilog:reg 的顺序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



如果我需要使用 4 个 8 位数字,我会声明以下 reg.

If I need to use 4 8-bit numbers, I would declare the following reg.

reg [7:0] numbers [3:0]

我对第一个和第二个声明([7:0] 和 [3:0])之间的区别感到很困惑.他们应该按什么顺序来?第一个保留数字的大小,而第二个保留数字的数量,反之亦然?是 [7:0] 还是 [0:7] 给出正确的顺序?

I'm quite confused about the difference between the first and second declaration ([7:0] and [3:0]). In what order should they come? Does first one stay for the size of a number while the second is for the number of numbers or vice versa? And is [7:0] or [0:7] give the right order?



Ordinary arrays of numbers look like this, for example


共有三个 4 位数字(0000、0110、0001).我们可以通过使用数组索引来访问它们.因此,访问第二个数字的第一位数字是通过这样的方式完成的

There are three 4-bit numbers (0000, 0110, 0001). We can access them by using array indices. So, accessing the first digit of the second number is done by something like this



assuming that this array is stored in a variable a.

回到 Verilog,例如,如果我交换 reg 中的值或以相反的顺序 ([0:7]) 声明它们,访问元素会如何变化?

Returning to Verilog, how would accessing elements change if I would swap values in reg or declare them in reverse order ([0:7]), for example?


  1. reg[7:0] 是一个 8 位的寄存器",或变量
  2. reg[7:0] numbers[3:0] 是一个具有 4 个元素的一维数组,命名为numbers,每一个都是一个 8 位寄存器
  3. numbers 的元素被访问为 numbers[index]
  4. numbers[i][j]numbers[i] 的位选择.它访问位jnumbers
  5. ith 个元素中
  6. 正如工具所说,数组索引更传统编号 [lsb:msb],但没有充分的理由这样做.
  1. reg[7:0] is an 8-bit "register", or variable
  2. reg[7:0] numbers[3:0] is a 1-D array with 4 elements, namednumbers, each of which is an 8-bit register
  3. An element of numbers is accessed as numbers[index]
  4. numbers[i][j] is a bit-select of numbers[i]. It accesses bitj in the ith element of numbers
  5. As toolic says, it's more conventional for array indices to benumbered [lsb:msb], but there's no good reason for this.

当分配两个对象时,位从左到右复制,对于 VHDL.

When assigning two objects, bits are copied left-to-right, as for VHDL.

Verilog 对位和部分选择以及数组索引的检查(非常)很差.请参阅下面的代码.

Verilog has (very) poor checking of bit and part selects and array indexes. See the code below.

module top;
   task test;
      reg[3:0] a[0:1];
      reg[0:3] b[0:1];
      reg[2:5] c[0:1];
       a[0] = 4'b1101;
       a[1] = 4'b0110;
       a[2] = 4'b0001;                      // error, but not caught by Verilog

       $display("a[2] is %d", a[2]);        // modelsim produces no warning, prints 'a[2] is x'
       $display("a[0][4] is %b", a[0][4]);  // modelsim warns, and prints 'a[0][4] is x'

       $display(                            // produces ''
         "a[0][3:0] is %b.%b.%b.%b", a[0][3], a[0][2], a[0][1], a[0][0]);

       b[0] = a[0];
       $display("b[0] is %d", b[0]);        // produces '13'
       $display(                            // produces ''
         "b[0][0:3] is %b.%b.%b.%b", b[0][0], b[0][1], b[0][2], b[0][3]);

       c[0] = a[0];
       $display("c[0] is %d", c[0]);        // produces '13'
       $display(                            // produces ''
         "c[0][2:5] is %b.%b.%b.%b", c[0][2], c[0][3], c[0][4], c[0][5]);

这篇关于Verilog:reg 的顺序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 18:40