This is a part of a program that analyzes the odds of poker, specifically Texas Hold'em. I have a program I'm happy with, but it needs some small optimizations to be perfect.
I use this type (among others, of course):
T7Cards = array[0..6] of integer;
There are two things about this array that may be important when deciding how to sort it:
- 在每一个项目是一个值从0到51没有其他值是可能的。
- 有没有重复。从来没有。
通过这些信息,什么是绝对是最快的方式来这个数组排序?我使用Delphi,所以帕斯卡code将是最好的,但我可以读C和伪,虽然有点更慢: - )
With this information, what is the absolutely fastest way to sort this array? I use Delp so pascal code would be the best, but I can read C and pseudo, albeit a bit more slowly :-)
At the moment I use quicksort, but the funny thing is that this is almost no faster than bubblesort! Possible because of the small number of items. The sorting counts for almost 50% of the total running time of the method.
Mason Wheeler asked why it's necessary to optimize. One reason is that the method will be called 2118760 times.
Basic poker information: All players are dealt two cards (the pocket) and then five cards are dealt to the table (the 3 first are called the flop, the next is the turn and the last is the river. Each player picks the five best cards to make up their hand)
If I have two cards in the pocket, P1 and P2, I will use the following loops to generate all possible combinations:
for C1 := 0 to 51-4 do
if (C1<>P1) and (C1<>P2) then
for C2 := C1+1 to 51-3 do
if (C2<>P1) and (C2<>P2) then
for C3 := C2+1 to 51-2 do
if (C3<>P1) and (C3<>P2) then
for C4 := C3+1 to 51-1 do
if (C4<>P1) and (C4<>P2) then
for C5 := C4+1 to 51 do
if (C5<>P1) and (C5<>P2) then
//This code will be executed 2 118 760 times
As I write this I notice one thing more: The last five elements of the array will always be sorted, so it's just a question of putting the first two elements in the right position in the array. That should simplify matters a bit.
那么,新的问题是:什么是最快的方式,以7整数数组排序,当最后5个元素已经排序。 (?)我相信这可能是一对夫妇的解决,如果公司和掉期交易: - )
So, the new question is: What is the fastest possible way to sort an array of 7 integers when the last 5 elements are already sorted. I believe this could be solved with a couple (?) of if's and swaps :-)
我不知道很多关于德州扑克:它是否不管什么衣服P1和P2,或者它只是如果他们的事花色相同或不?如果只服(P1)==套装(P2)的问题,那么你可以区分这两种情况下,你只有对P1 / P2 13x12 / 2不同的可能性,您可以轻松地precalculate一个表的两种情况。
I don't know that much about Texas Hold'em: Does it matter what suit P1 and P2 are, or does it only matter if they are of the same suit or not? If only suit(P1)==suit(P2) matters, then you could separate the two cases, you have only 13x12/2 different possibilities for P1/P2, and you can easily precalculate a table for the two cases.
Otherwise, I would suggest something like this:
(* C1 < C2 < P1 *)
for C1:=0 to P1-2 do
for C2:=C1+1 to P1-1 do
Cards[0] = C1;
Cards[1] = C2;
Cards[2] = P1;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(* C1 < P1 < C2 *)
for C1:=0 to P1-1 do
for C2:=P1+1 to 51 do
Cards[0] = C1;
Cards[1] = P1;
Cards[2] = C2;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(* P1 < C1 < C2 *)
for C1:=P1+1 to 51 do
for C2:=C1+1 to 51 do
Cards[0] = P1;
Cards[1] = C1;
Cards[2] = C2;
(* generate C3...C7 *)
(this is just a demonstration for one card P1, you would have to expand that for P2, but I think that's straightforward. Although it'll be a lot of typing...)That way, the sorting doesn't take any time at all. The generated permutations are already ordered.