我正在使用 TM
I am doing a lot of analysis with the TM
package. One of my biggest problems are related to stemming and stemming-like transformations.
Let's say I have several accounting related terms (I am aware of the spelling issues).
After stemming we have:
accounts -> account
account -> account
accounting -> account
acounting -> acount
acount -> acount
acounts -> acount
accounnt -> accounnt
结果:3 个字词(帐户、帐户、帐户),其中我希望有 1 个(帐户),因为所有这些都与同一个字词相关.
Result: 3 Terms (account, acount, account) where I would have liked 1 (account) as all these relate to the same term.
1) 纠正拼写是可能的,但我从未在 R 中尝试过.这可能吗?
1) To correct spelling is a possibility, but I have never attempted that in R. Is that even possible?
2) 另一种选择是制作一个参考列表,即 account = (accounts, account,accounting,acounting,acount,acounts,account),然后用主术语替换所有出现的项.我将如何在 R 中执行此操作?
2) The other option is to make a reference list i.e. account = (accounts, account, accounting, acounting, acount, acounts, accounnt) and then replace all occurrences with the master term. How would I do this in R?
Once again, any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We could set up a list of synonyms and replace those values. For example
synonyms <- list(
list(word="account", syns=c("acount", "accounnt"))
This says we want to replace "acount" and "accounnt" with "account" (i'm assuming we're doing this after stemming). Now let's create test data.
raw<-c("accounts", "account", "accounting", "acounting",
"acount", "acounts", "accounnt")
And now let's define a transformation function that will replace the words in our list with the primary synonym.
replaceSynonyms <- content_transformer(function(x, syn=NULL) {
Reduce(function(a,b) {
gsub(paste0("\\b(", paste(b$syns, collapse="|"),")\\b"), b$word, a)}, syn, x)
这里我们使用 content_transformer
函数来定义自定义转换.基本上我们只是做一个 gsub
Here we use the content_transformer
function to define a custom transformation. And basically we just do a gsub
to replace each of the words. We can then use this on a corpus
tm <- Corpus(VectorSource(raw))
tm <- tm_map(tm, stemDocument)
tm <- tm_map(tm, replaceSynonyms, synonyms)
我们可以看到所有这些值都根据需要转换为帐户".要添加其他同义词,只需将其他列表添加到主 synonyms
and we can see all these values are transformed into "account" as desired. To add other synonyms, just add additional lists to the main synonyms
list. Each sub-list should have the names "word" and "syns".
这篇关于使用 R 文本分析进行词干分析的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!