


Is there an equivalent function of find(A>9,1) from matlab for numpy/scipy. I know that there is the nonzero function in numpy but what I need is the first index so that I can use the first index in another extracted column.

例如:A = [ 1 2 3 9 6 4 3 10 ]find(A>9,1)将在matlab中返回索引4

Ex: A = [ 1 2 3 9 6 4 3 10 ]find(A>9,1) would return index 4 in matlab



The equivalent of find in numpy is nonzero, but it does not support a second parameter.But you can do something like this to get the behavior you are looking for.

B = nonzero(A >= 9)[0]


But if all you are looking for is finding the first element that satisfies a condition, you are better off using max.

例如,在matlab中,find(A >= 9, 1)将与[idx, B] = max(A >= 9)相同. numpy中的等效函数如下.

For example, in matlab, find(A >= 9, 1) would be the same as [idx, B] = max(A >= 9). The equivalent function in numpy would be the following.

idx = (A >= 9).argmax()


08-04 07:51