前言:这不是关于如何在 Android 应用中使用构建类型和产品风格的问题.我了解所涉及的基本概念.这个问题更多是关于尝试了解应该在构建类型中指定哪些配置,应该在产品风格中指定哪些配置,以及是否真的需要任何区别.
本周,我一直在学习有关 Android 应用的 gradle 配置的更多信息.我最初认为我对构建类型和产品风格有很好的处理,但我越深入文档,我就越意识到两者之间的区别对我来说根本不清楚.
This week, I've been learning more about gradle configuration for Android apps. I initially thought I had a good handle on build types vs product flavors, but the deeper I got into the documentation the more I realized the distinction between the two was not clear to me at all.
由于存在明确定义的层次结构(在某种意义上,构建类型中指定的属性优先于产品风格中指定的属性),我不明白为什么需要区分构建类型和产品风格全部.将所有属性和方法合并到产品风味 DSL 对象中,然后将构建类型视为(默认)风味维度不是更好吗?
Since there is a well-defined hierarchy (in the sense that properties specified in build types take precedence over those specified in product flavors), I don't understand why there is a need to distinguish between build types and product flavors at all. Would it not be better to merge all properties and methods into the product flavor DSL object, and then just treat build type as a (default) flavor dimension?
Some concrete examples that led to my confusion:
?) 只能在构建类型中配置.
property can be set in both build types and product flavors... butminifyEnabled
(and, I assume,shrinkResources
?) can only be configured in build types.
只能在产品风味中指定...而 applicationIdSuffix
can only be specified in product flavors... and applicationIdSuffix
can only be specified in build types!?
Given the above examples: is there a clear distinction between the roles of build types vs product flavors?
If so, what is the best way to understand it?
如果没有,是否计划最终将构建类型和产品风格合并到一个可配置的 DSL 对象中?
If not, is the plan to eventually merge build types and product flavors into a single configurable DSL object?
扩展 @CommonsWare 在评论中所说的内容,基本思想是构建类型适用于功能上没有不同的应用程序的不同构建——如果你有你的应用程序的调试和发布版本,它们是同一个应用程序,但一个包含调试代码,可能更多的日志记录等,另一个经过简化和优化,可能通过 ProGuard 混淆.使用风味,目的是应用程序在某些方面明显不同.最明显的例子是您的应用的免费版本和付费版本,但开发人员也可能会根据分发位置(这可能会影响应用内结算 API 的使用)进行区分.
Expanding on what @CommonsWare said in the comments, the basic idea is that build types are for different builds of your application that aren't functionally different -- if you have a debug and release version of your app, they're the same app, but one contains debugging code, maybe more logging, etc., and the other is streamlined and optimized and possibly obfuscated via ProGuard. With flavors, the intent is that the app is notably different in some way. The clearest example would be a free vs. a paid version of your app, but developers may also differentiate based on where it's being distributed (which could affect in-app billing API use).
有些开发人员为不同的客户制作了许多不同版本的类似应用程序——例如,一个简单的应用程序在网络视图中打开网页,每个版本都有不同的 URL 和品牌——这是对风味的一种很好的利用.
There are developers that make many, many different versions of a similar app for different customers -- an example might be a simple app that opens up a web page in a web view, with different URLs and branding for each version -- this is a good use of flavors.
To reiterate, if it's "the same application", modulo some differences that aren't important to the end user, and especially if all of the variants except for one are for your own testing and development use and only one variant will be deployed to end users, then it's a good candidate for build types. If it's "a different" application and multiple variants would be deployed to users, then perhaps it's a candidate for a product flavor.
You've already seen that there are some functionality differences between build types and flavors, in that some options are supported for one but not the other. But the concepts are different even though they're similar, and there's no plan to merge them together.