我知道可以在父POM中配置该部分并将其应用于多模块项目中的子模块.但是,我希望有一个单独的POM作为依赖项进行引用,因此我可以拥有可以混入"各种项目的报告配置,而不必在多个项目之间复制我的报告配置. (请参见此处的依赖项POM": http ://sonatype.com/books/maven-book/reference/pom-relationships-sect-pom-best-practice.html )
I know that it's possible to configure the section in a parent POM and have it apply to the sub-modules in a multi-module project. However, I'd like to have a separate POM to reference as a dependency so I can have a reporting configuration I can "mix in" to various projects without having to replicate my reporting configuration across multiple projects. (See "dependency POMs" here: http://sonatype.com/books/maven-book/reference/pom-relationships-sect-pom-best-practice.html)
For example, for my Widget project, I have a parent POM (widget-parent) with two sub-modules, widget-core and widget-web. I'd like to have a separate POM, static-analysis, that widget-parent depends on. static-analysis would have a block that would define Checkstyle and FindBugs reporting. When I build Widget, I would expect Checkstyle and FindBugs to be run on widget-core and widget-web.
If your solution only works in a particular version of Maven, let me know. We haven't upgraded to 3.x yet.
在Maven 3中,pom中的报告元素消失了,由站点插件的配置元素代替.然后,您可以使用常规的pluginManagement定义在所有地方都可以使用的配置.无论如何,我还是建议总体上升级到Maven 3,这给了您另一个很好的理由.
With Maven 3 the reporting element in the pom is gone and replaced by a configuration element for the site plugin. You can then use the usual pluginManagement to define a configuration that is used everywhere. I would suggest to upgrade to Maven 3 in general anyway and this gives you another good reason..
Update: The reporting element has been brought back and works again with latest versions of the site plugin.