


In C#, throw ex is almost always wrong, as it resets the stack trace.


I just wonder, is there any real world use for this? The only reason I can think of is to hide internals of your closed library, but that's a really weak reason. Apart from that, I've never encountered in the real world.


I do mean throw ex, as in throwing the exact same exception that was caught but with an empty stacktrace, as in doing it exactly wrong. I know that throw ex has to exist as a language construct to allow throwing a different exception (throw new DifferentException("ex as innerException", ex)) and was just wondering if there is ever a situration where a throw ex is not wrong.



There is no valid reason to re-throw exception objects i.e. 'throw ex'.

这是一个语言\编译器功能,这是可能的,虽然没有在实践上也有负面影响增加任何价值。这是一个类似的情况,能够编写code访问成员空引用 - 这当然是可能的,但是没有值,例如:

It's a language\compiler feature that's possible although doesn't add any value in practice over the negative effect it has. This is a similar situation to being able to write code to access members on null references - it's of course possible but has no value, e.g.:

    //Possible but not useful.
    object ref1 = null;



Being able to re-throw exception objects is unfortunate and very often misunderstood by rookies and experienced coders alike, that is until you get an unhandled exception in production with a truncated stack trace logged.


There is the tenuous feeling that it could be used to intentionally hide stack trace information, but throwing a new exception would be the correct way to do this.

我会尽可能地说,能够重新抛出异常对象(即扔恩')是一个设计缺陷去 - 它只是太容易做了错误的事情。不过,我怀疑这是一个设计权衡的编译器性能的原因,因为它会招致的开销,以验证扔恩'不是'再掷。我敢肯定有很多这样的权衡。

I would go as far as to say that being able to re-throw exception objects (i.e. 'throw ex') is a design flaw - it's just too easy to do the wrong thing. However, I suspect that this is a design trade-off in the compiler for performance reasons as it would incur an overhead to validate that 'throw ex' was not a 're-throw'. I'm sure there are many such trade-offs.


07-23 06:40