A few days ago we received the error "Strict TLS in CDN not supported" on 1 Heroku app that's behind Cloudflare's proxy (orange cloud, if you know Cloudflare).
基本上,客户对 https://foo.example.com 的请求是通过Cloudflare代理的,然后由Cloudflare发出对 https://foo.herokuapp.com 的请求,缓存响应,并将结果传递回客户端.请注意,整个链都是通过HTTPS进行的.我们已经将Clouflare配置为仅通过HTTPS与最终服务器通信,并且我们不希望最终服务器通过HTTP发送响应.
Basically, client requests to https://foo.example.com are proxied through Cloudflare, who then make the requests to https://foo.herokuapp.com, caches the response, and passes the result back to the client. Notice that the entire chain is over HTTPS. We've configured Clouflare to only communicate with the end server over HTTPS, and we don't want the end server to ever send out responses over HTTP.
It seems that Heroku's policy no longer allows serving over SSL when they detect that you're behind a proxy that's already handling SSL. Over the past week, more apps have begun showing this error and we've had to disable Cloudflare's proxy. Here's their documentation on this, and the reason given is "because Cloudflare provides SSL certificates."
Anyone else encounter this and have a workaround? While Cloudflare still prevents certain vulnerabilities from the client to Cloudflare, this leaves other vulnerabilities open from Cloudflare to the end server.
Update: I've heard back from Heroku on this:
However, I have not found the above to be true. On either setting (Full or Strict), Heroku always reports the above error. I've installed origin certs from Cloudflare to resolve this issue.
It looks like Heroku specifically doesn't want you to use ACM (Automatic Certificate Management), in which they use Let's Encrypt to automatically issue certificates for you. This is unnecessary when your certificates aren't client-facing.
If it's always Cloudflare talking to your Heroku app, I suggest instead using "origin certificates". Cloudflare can generate a certificate and private key specifically for you to install on your origin server for the purpose of authenticating it to Cloudflare. This certificate is signed by Cloudflare's private CA, which is not recognized by browsers, only by Cloudflare itself. This means you don't have to jump through so many hoops to verify your domain and renew certs like you would with normal CA certs.
You can tell Cloudflare to generate an origin certificate in the Cloudflare dashboard. You can the install your certificate into Heroku according to this documentation:
Note that this does not require "ACM" on the Heroku side, because you're bringing your own cert. I would expect Heroku is fine with this mode while behind Cloudflare (if not... that would be a pretty serious flaw in Heroku).
Here's Cloudflare's general docs on origin certs:
(Disclaimer: I haven't actually tried this with Heroku, but I've successfully used origin certs with other hosts in the past.)