I am rather new to SolR. I would like to use multiple tokenizers.I am using the standard tokenizer so that words get split via \t, space, comma, etc.Now I would like to use an additional tokenizer.If there is the word"cowshed"I would like it to become "cow" and "shed".There are only I few words which are common to the search index which I would like to split.Therefore I planned using the regex tokenizer. However I get an error message when I try to ("multiple tokenizers at xml root").Is it not possible? Do I need to change the code? Am I doing it wrong?Thanks for your hints :) 解决方案 You can only have one tokenizer per analyzer. If you need to modify the tokens generated by the tokenizer you can use token filters. 这篇关于solr多个tokenizers进行查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 09-23 21:26