2018-03-14 06:33:26:619 INFO aNiceFile.js doImportantStuff()关于重要内容的开始.
我今天使用的是 Winston ,如果有必要,我很乐意使用Winston切换到其他选项.如果没有我的努力,这似乎是不可能的: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/200
const sn = path.basename(__ filename)//此脚本文件名,用于记录目的
我可以接受此步骤,这并不繁琐,在每个文件的顶部粘贴一条 identical 行,我可以接受.
const fn ='<我将函数名称复制/粘贴到此字符串常量中:(>'
const fn = getCurrentFunctionName()
log.info(`$ {sn}:$ {fn}开始重要的事情`)
我不喜欢此步骤,因为我的所有日志语句都以这种($ {sn}:$ {fn})噪声开头.
let log = {info:功能info(message){const callerInfo = getFileName(info.caller.name);console.log(新的Date()+''arguments.callee.name.toUpperCase()+''callerInfo.filename +':'+callerInfo.line +':'+callerInfo.column +''info.caller.name +'()'+信息);},};函数getFileName(caller){const STACK_FUNC_NAME =新的RegExp(/at \ s +((\ S +)\ s)?\((\ S +):(\ d +):(\ d +)\)/);让err = new Error();Error.captureStackTrace(err);let stacks = err.stack.split('\ n').slice(1);让callerInfo = null;for(让i = 0; i< stacks.length; i ++){callerInfo = STACK_FUNC_NAME.exec(stacks [i]);如果(callerInfo [2] ===来电者){返回 {文件名:callerInfo [3],行:callerInfo [4],列:callerInfo [5],};}}返回null;}函数iWantToLog(){log.info('测试我的日志');}iWantToLog();
I would like my node.js project to generate log files that are a bit similar to log4j format in that I would like each log line to commence with the file name and the js function name that the log request originated from.
e.g:If my js file is called aNiceFile.js and my js function is called doImportantStuff() and I invoke a log statement with something like:
log.info('About to start on the important stuff')
I would like my log file to look a bit like:
2018-03-14 06:33:26:619 INFO aNiceFile.js doImportantStuff() About to start on the important stuff.
I want to do a lot of logging, so I don't mind one off, upfront effort to set this up, but I am after minimal additional effort per file / function that I add to my code.
I am using Winston today, I am happy to switch to something else if that is necessary, with Winston this does not seem to be possible without some effort on my part: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/200
For completeness, I don't need the line numbers, but they would be nice to have too.
My current clumsy work around is to:
1) Start each file with this to get the current file name:
const sn = path.basename(__filename) // this script file name, used for logging purposes
I am ok with this step, it is not onerous, a single identical line pasted at the top of each file, I can accept this.
2) Start each function with this to get the current function name:
const fn = '<I copy/paste the function name into this string constant :( >'
I don't like this step, I have to copy the function name into the string constant, and it could get out of sync later if I rename the function.
If I could turn this into the version below that would be better, not sure how to do that:
const fn = getCurrentFunctionName()
3) I do each log statement like this:
log.info(`${sn}:${fn} Starting important stuff`)
I don't like this step because all my log statements start with this (${sn}:${fn}) noise.
As you can see this is primitive, but it does work. What should I really be doing here?
I am interested in performance so solutions that require the generation of an Error object to harvest a stack trace from are probably not acceptable.
Edit adding all stuff.
This is a basic example of filename, lines, columns and caller function. Maybe you need to adapt somethings. But this is the idea.
let log = {
info: function info(message) {
const callerInfo = getFileName(info.caller.name);
new Date() +
' ' +
arguments.callee.name.toUpperCase() +
' ' +
callerInfo.filename +
':' +
callerInfo.line +
':' +
callerInfo.column +
' ' +
info.caller.name +
'() ' +
function getFileName(caller) {
const STACK_FUNC_NAME = new RegExp(/at\s+((\S+)\s)?\((\S+):(\d+):(\d+)\)/);
let err = new Error();
let stacks = err.stack.split('\n').slice(1);
let callerInfo = null;
for (let i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) {
callerInfo = STACK_FUNC_NAME.exec(stacks[i]);
if (callerInfo[2] === caller) {
return {
filename: callerInfo[3],
line: callerInfo[4],
column: callerInfo[5],
return null;
function iWantToLog() {
log.info('Testing my log');