我已经安装了 Visual Studio 2013 和 Visual Studio 2015.在 VS2013 中创建的项目和解决方案按照我的预期由 VS2013 打开,但我希望能够升级这些文件,以便它们可以通过VS2015 双击时.
I have installed both Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2015. Projects and solutions that were created in VS2013 are opened by VS2013 as I would expect, but I would like to be able to upgrade those files so that they would be opened by VS2015 when double clicked.
如何升级 VS2013 格式的解决方案文件,以便 Microsoft Visual Studio 版本选择器在 VS2015 中打开它们?
How can I upgrade solution files that are in VS2013 format so that the Microsoft Visual Studio Version Selector will open them in VS2015?
IMO 最简单的解决方案(也适用于 2012 和 2013)是:
The simplest solution IMO (also worked for 2012 and 2013) is:
- 使用 Visual Studio 2015 打开解决方案文件
- 在解决方案资源管理器中选择解决方案文件
- 选择文件/将 MySolution.sln 另存为...
- 覆盖现有的解决方案文件.
这篇关于将 Visual Studio 2013 解决方案升级到 Visual Studio 2015的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!