


I'm developing a CMS like application where the user should be able to create the menu the way he wants. Ideally, each menu object wouldn't be a text with a background but rather an image of the text. I envision this in either of these 2 ways:


a) By rendering a font in a/several image file/s with every letter and a script that given a word would give me either the sequence of images to string together or a single image file with the combination of all letters. I understand this could be done manually, but I feel there's probably a library to help with this.


b) With some kind of imaging library that would be able to render text with several blending effects such as gradient color, shadows, glow, etc. While I believe this one's a bit harder, maybe there's something that suits this need.


Any tips on any library that does this or anything similar?





Although nowadays I'd settle to go with web fonts and CSS,a couple of years ago I faced this problem, and put together a small project that would generate text-within a templated image on the file, according to passed URL parameters.

该项目仍在此处发布: https://bitbucket.org/jsbueno/dynabutton -它可以作为CGI脚本使用,但是可以很容易地适应于与效率更高的服务器一起使用(如果您将其置于联机状态,我也建议您进行一些安全调整).您还可以使用它来生成带有服务器端脚本的所有图像,并将生成的图像文件在线.

The project is still publicized here: https://bitbucket.org/jsbueno/dynabutton -- it is made to work as a CGI script, but could be easily adapted to work with a more eficient server (I'd recomend some security tunning as well, if you are putting it online). You can also use it to generate all your images with a server side script, and just put the resulting image files online.


(it does use PIL underneath)

是的,它可以进行阴影处理并使用适当的参数发光,可以使用任何服务器安装的字体,并使用图像模板来提供背景,因此您可以手动应用任何效果. (不过,其中包括的模板是相当业余的)

Ah yes, it can do shadow, and glow with proper parameters, can use any server-installed font, and will use an image template for providing the background, so you can apply any effect manually. (the included temlates, though, are quite amateurish)


07-18 16:18