我试图找到一些详细讨论位的书籍或资源,例如,我可以将一个数字(如 16)转换为位.我目前是一名高中生,每当阅读编程书籍时,除了位/位运算符部分之外,我几乎可以理解所有内容.我只是不知道它是如何工作的,以及为什么人们甚至发明了 bit &byte :(.因此,我希望你们能给我一些关于如何将数字/字符转换为位的资源建议.
I am trying to find some books or resources talking about bit in detail so that for example I would be able to translate a number (like 16) into bits. I am currently a high school student and whenever reading a programming books I can understand almost everything except the bit/bitwise operators part. I just do not know how it works and why do people even invent bit & byte :(. Therefore, I hope that you guys can give me some resources suggestions talking about how to translate number/characters into bits.
Try googling 'binary arithmetic.' Here's a pretty good article to get you started.