本文介绍了在 django-import-export 中处理foreignKeys的导入的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我不明白 django-import-export 模块如何处理 ForeignKeys.这是一个简单的例子:模型.py

I don't understand how django-import-export module deals with ForeignKeys.Here is a simple exemple :models.py

class TFamilies(models.Model):
    id_fam = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
    name_fam = models.CharField(max_length=1024, blank=True,verbose_name='Famille')

class TGenus(models.Model):
    id_genus = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, unique=True)
    name_genus = models.CharField(max_length=1024,verbose_name='nom de genre')
    id_fam = models.ForeignKey(TFamilies, null=True, db_column='id_fam', blank=True, verbose_name='Famille')

我想允许人们添加与家庭相关的属!只有 name_genus 和 name_fam 的 CSV/XLS...(并且 id 留空).

I would like to allow people adding genus with family associated ! A CSV/XLS with only name_genus and name_fam... (and id left blank).

家族大部分时间已经存在于 DB 中,Django 只需要找到正确的 id 号...

Family already exist in DB most of the time, Django juste have to find the right id number...


class TGenusResource(resources.ModelResource):

    name_fam = fields.Field(widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(TFamilies, 'name_fam'))

    class Meta:
        model = TGenus
        import_id_fields = ['id_genus']

class TGenusAdmin(ImportExportActionModelAdmin):
    form = TGenusAdminForm
    resource_class = TGenusResource


This configuration lead to error in import interface :

Line number: 1 - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name_fam'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/....../lib/python2.7/site-packages/import_export/resources.py", line 348, in import_data
row_result.object_repr = force_text(instance)
File "......./lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/utils/encoding.py", line 85, in force_text
s = six.text_type(s)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name_fam'

我不明白...我也尝试过回答:django-import-export 外键字段的资源定义?有点像那里:使用django迁移django中的外键-进出口

I don't understand...I also tried answer there : django-import-export resource definition for foreignkey field?and sort of like there : Foreign Key in django migration using django-import-export

我必须使用 before_import 找到自己的匹配?

Do I have to use before_import to find myself the match ?


我发现你必须找到匹配的自己!更改 tablib 数据集中的值是不可能的,因此您必须对条目进行更改并将它们放回新行,然后删除旧行.

I figured out that you have to find yourself the match ! It's impossible to alterate values in a tablib dataset so you have to take entries make changes and put them back in a new line then erase the old one.

我的 excel 模板包含列 id_genus(空)、name_genusid_fam 由家庭名称填充!

My excel template contains columns id_genus (empty), name_genus and id_fam filled by the name of the family !


For anyone who landed here I post my way :

def before_import(self, dataset, dry_run):
        Make standard corrections to the dataset before displaying to user

        i = 0
        last = dataset.height - 1

        # for all lines, search for id of family given and add a new line at the bottom with it then delete the first one
        while i <= last:
            # Check if the Genus exist in DB
            if (TGenus.objects.filter(name_genus=dataset.get_col(2)[0].capitalize())):
                id_genus = TGenus.objects.filter(name_genus=dataset.get_col(2)[0].capitalize())[0].id_genus
            else :
                id_genus = ''
            # Check if the family exists in DB
            except TFamilies.DoesNotExist:
                raise Exception("Family not in DB !")
            except TFamilies.MultipleObjectsReturned:

            # use of "filter" instead of "get" to prevent duplicate values, select the first one in all cases
            i = i + 1

非系统管理员可以使用我的 django 管理员,因此,他们可以复制不在数据库中的属或族...如果有人有更好地处理错误的想法,我想阅读它!另外,我想在预览中保留家人的名字,而不仅仅是她的身份证……如果你知道怎么做,我已经发布了另一个关于此的问题:是否可以在 django import-export 中自定义预览模板?

My django admin can be used by non sys-admin so, they can and duplicate genus or families that aren't in DB...If someone have an idea to deal with errors better, I would like to read it !Also, I would like to keep the name of the family in the preview, not only her id... If you know how, I have posted another question about that : Is-it possible to customize the template of preview in django import-export?

这篇关于在 django-import-export 中处理foreignKeys的导入的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 18:49