Bluetooth LE devices can broadcast messages to other devices. That message packet can include informations like length, profile, rssi (signal strength), etc.
在Android中扫描BLE设备时,如何读取那些Bluetooth LE广播数据?
How can I read those Bluetooth LE broadcast data when scanning for BLE devices in Android?
API级别21 +
在 android.bluetooth.le.ScanCallback 中,以下回调方法具有名为 result 的参数,该参数具有名为 scanRecord 的字段,其中应包含BLE设备发送的广告数据.
In android.bluetooth.le.ScanCallback, the callback method as follows has a parameter named result, which has a field called scanRecord, with should contain the advertisement data sent by a BLE device.
void onScanResult (int callbackType, ScanResult result)
在 BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback 中,以下回调方法具有名为 scanRecord 的参数,该参数应包含BLE设备发送的广告数据.
In BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback, the callback method as follows has a parameter named scanRecord, which should contain the advertisement data sent by a BLE device.
public abstract void onLeScan (BluetoothDevice device, int rssi, byte[] scanRecord)
scanRecord: The content of the advertisement record offered by the remote device.
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