


I can't find a proper answer on the Internet.

Bluetooth基本速率/增强数据速率(BR/EDR)与2.0 Bluetooth Core规范一起出现,以改善数据速率传输.低功耗蓝牙(BLE)与4.0蓝牙核心规范一起出现,以改善IoT领域的消耗.但是,要使这两种模式(BLE& BR/EDR)协同工作,您必须使用"Smart Ready"模块(或特定于双模式的模块).

The Bluetooth Basic Rate / Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR) appeared with the 2.0 Bluetooth Core Specification to improve data rate transfers. The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) appeared with the 4.0 Bluetooth Core Specification to improve consumption in the IoT field. Yet, to make those two modes work together (BLE & BR/EDR) you had to use a "Smart Ready" module (or dual-mode specific module).

今天,我们有了蓝牙5.我在浏览市场上的蓝牙5 SoC时是否真正在本地实现了BR/EDR,我还不太了解.对于BLE模式,是这样.来自一般常见问题解答:

Today, we have the Bluetooth 5. I don't quite understand if, when I browse Bluetooth 5 SoC on the market, the BR/EDR is implemented natively. For the BLE mode, it is. From a general FAQ :

是的,Bluetooth 4.0中引入了具有低能耗功能的Bluetooth,它是Bluetooth Core Specification 5.0版中的一项功能.实际上,蓝牙5.0的新功能和优势是专为低能耗蓝牙设计的.

Yes, Bluetooth with low energy functionality, introduced in Bluetooth 4.0, is a feature within Bluetooth Core Specification version 5.0. In fact, the new features and benefits of Bluetooth 5.0 are designed specifically for Bluetooth with low energy functionality.

但是对于BR/EDR模式,蓝牙5核心规范状态( p323,第2卷:第2核心系统软件包[BR/EDR控制器卷] ):

But for the BR/EDR mode, the Bluetooth 5 Core Specification states (p323, Vol : 2 Core System Package [BR/EDR Controller Volume]) :


So, from the Core Specification, the EDR mode is optional. Yet, I can't find any SoC or module (BT5 compliant) that has this EDR mode, like it doesn't exist anymore but everyone exhibit high data transfers (more than EDR used to be with previous version).


So, is the EDR implemented natively in BT5 (as the BLE is) even if the Core Specification states it as optional ? Where am I wrong ?



Bluetooth Core规范中的大多数"内容是可选的.您可以拥有不具有任何LE功能的BT5兼容蓝牙经典芯片,也可以拥有不具有任何Bluetooth经典功能的兼容BT5的BLE芯片.

"Most" things in the Bluetooth Core specification are optional. You can have a BT5-compliant Bluetooth Classic chip that doesn't have any LE functionality and you can have a BT5-compliant BLE chip that doesn't have any Bluetooth classic features.

要检查特定的蓝牙芯片是否支持特定功能,只需在 https://launchstudio上查找即可.bluetooth.com/Listings/Search .

To check whether a particular Bluetooth chip supports a specific feature, just look it up at https://launchstudio.bluetooth.com/Listings/Search.


09-26 01:49